Going Away

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I loved it here. It was so serene and beautiful. The walls surrounding me were glowing softly, not too brightly, but just enough so I could see that they were smooth cave walls and the floor reflected that light was some kind of crystal that was a very light blue.

I continued walking forward, my eyes never leaving the glowing floor that sparkled beautifully.

"Come to me, my love," a familiar woman's voice caressed me forward until I saw a bright white light at the end of the passage. "Come."

I stepped into the bright white light and felt instant warmth surge through me. The sunlight was almost blinding, it was so pure. Once my eyes adjusted, I found myself in a beautiful grove. There were trees circling the clearing what looked like forever and a large lake taking up the center.

It all looked so familiar... Where had I seen it before?

"Come closer... Let me look at you up close, my lovely girl..." That voice... All this warmth... What's happening?

As I came closer to the sparkling, deep blue lake, a small little cottage came into view. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen and my daughter can heal people at will.

A woman was standing by the lake shore so I walked towards her cautiously.

"Hello?" I asked nervously. She had long, glowing white hair that cascaded down her back and a beautiful silver gown on that fluttered in the wind.

"Hello, my child. Come closer. Let me look at you."

The woman turned and what I saw shocked me to my core. It was her; my mother. The woman I hadn't seen since I was but a child. The woman whose face was blurred in my mind from the many years separating us since she left us.

"You're all grown up, and you have a daughter now, too, I hear. That's nice. She must be as beautiful as you are. She must also have the abilities you have. That is why you must come here, to me. I can help you both see the path you must take to have the life you truly want."

"This is just a dream," I told her sadly, shaking my head at the offer. "This isn't real... You're not real..."

"You'll know, when you wake, that this is not just a dream. You know better, my dear. Now let me show you," She reached out and place the tip of the first and second finger against the middle of my forehead.

I saw the house we were staying in and a light scorched across an invisible path throughout the lands that looked far and long to where I knew I had to go.

"Come to me, my daughter. We have much to discuss..."

I opened my eyes to the light filtering in through the windows and stared at the ceiling, thinking about my dream. It had to be real. No one could ever get in my head before through any type of spell or mind link, so no one was playing a trick on me. The way the woman talked... It was just like her.

"Mommy? Did you have a funny dream, too?" Miracle asked while staring out at the sunrise.

"Yes, baby. I know where we can go now to be safe. All we have to do now is get out of here without being caught-

The door burst open and there stood Sam, looking scared out of her mind and covered in blood.

"We have a problem. Someone in the pack was attacked by the Blood Moonlight Pack."

I froze completely. Oh please, oh please, oh please-

"Are they dead?" I whispered, losing my voice momentarily.

She didn't answer. She didn't have to; the look on her face was enough to tell.

"Was there a message?" I asked, trying not to think about how people in the pack must be feeling about losing one of their members for an outsider.

Sam hesitated before nodding once. I climbed out of bed and Miracle grabbed my arm, looking so worried and scared I had to look away.

"Tell me," I said, already thinking that we had to get out of there right then and there before someone else got hurt.

"If you and Miracle aren't handed over to them by sunset, we will be at war. Liam had instructed that you and Miracle are to stay inside the pack house for the remainder of the day until he can find you guys better safety." She came over to me and squeezed my hand. "Everything's going to be ok. We're going to protect you." She gave me a smile and then left abruptly.

We are leaving today Miracle. Start getting your things together. I'm going to look for a way out.

Miracle nodded and placed her hands on my cheeks. "We're going to be ok, Mommy. It's ok..."

She was crying. I was crying. We cried for the pack member who lost their life, our life on the run, and each other. Then, we escaped our little slice of happiness for the outside world of hell.

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