~11~ Bittersweet Victory

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Dear Mr. Pessimist,

I know what it's like to lose someone, the gut wrenching feeling you have on the anniversary of their death. But I want you to know that you're never alone, no matter how everything may seem. I'm always here.



The beeping on the heart monitor beside me was driving me insane.

My eyes were on Kyle's bandaged forehead, my eyes on the clock beside the TV on the wall.

Jessie had been in the cafeteria for over an hour now, leaving me to sit here with a passed out Kyle. She hadn't said a word about what happened, and when the nurses would come in, they wouldn't answer me, they acted like I wasn't even there.

"This wasn't my plan for tonight." I said, staring down at Kyle's pale hand in mine. "I don't even know what happened, Ky. Nobody seems to want to tell me." I knew that if anyone was walking by, they'd probably think I was crazy talking to some one that was out cold.

I had immediately sent a text to Tristan to let him know what happened and that I was at the hospital. He still hadn't gotten back, which actually worried me a little.

He couldn't possibly be mad, right? This was one of my best friends, and as much as he might hate to hear it, I'd pick Kyle or Jessie any day over him. I guess that might have been one of the biggest reasons why I've never had a serious boyfriend, because anytime I got close enough to them I always blew them off if something happens to Jess. My friends and family would always come first.

"Syd! Hey, there you are." Tristan slipped into the room, a card in his hand. "The nurse at the front desk didn't know where she was going." He set the card on the desk beside the other few presents that had been brought in before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"You sure you're okay? Aren't you guys pretty close?" He took my hand and squeezed it, his eyes on Kyle's pale figure on the bed.

"He's like my little brother." I said quietly, "And nobody is telling me what happened. I don't even know if he's okay." The tears I had been trying to hold in all night finally built up in my eyes and started to sting them.

"Hey, don't cry." Tristan crouched down and shook his head, "If he wasn't going to be okay, they wouldn't have even let you in the room, Sydney." I nodded, lacing my fingers through his as I tore my eyes from Kyle and met Tristan's bright brown eyes.

"He's going to be fine." He repeated, smiling reassuringly. And for once, I was happy not to be the optimistic one. I was even more grateful that I had someone to lean on.


"No, no." I laughed, wrapping Tristan's jacket tighter around me, "Stop. I shouldn't be laughing right now, not when one of my best friend's is in the hospital." Tristan threw his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek before stopping in front of the bakery. He frowned when he saw the lights inside were still on. He knocked, obviously curious if Mr. or Mrs. Banks, or even Bennett was still inside.

I blinked in surprise when Bennett jumped over the counter and walked toward the door, nearly running into it.

"What are you doing here?" Bennett slurred, glaring at Tristan, then me.

"What are you doing here?" Tristan snapped back. Bennett lifted the beer bottle in his hand and took another swing from it, earning a surprised look out of me.

Dear Mr. Pessimist {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now