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Camila woke up the next morning with a weight on her chest and raven black hair tickling her face.

When her eyes focused to the light she saw Lauren curled up beside her, clutching onto the smallest amount of blanket ever.

She was surprised they'd stayed like this the entire night, she'd half expected Lauren to carry her to one of the spare rooms whilst she was asleep.

But no, the Cuban was curled up beside her, still asleep.

Camila carefully lifted Lauren's arm off of her chest and laid it on the bed so she could sit up.

Camila decided she preferred how Lauren looked when she was asleep. She looked relaxed and carefree, however the second she was awake she went into overdrive, always thinking about her 'plans' and 'missions'.

Not that she'd been on many missions since Camila had been here, only the one. But she had Camila who was a mission and she guessed people could only handle so much at once.

Even Lauren.

"How long are you gonna stare at me for?"

"I wasn't staring."

The words that came out of Camila's mouth was an obvious lie and Lauren wasn't the type of person to let anything go.

Especially if it was embarrassing.

"Were you looking at my natural beauty?" Lauren smirked, running a hand through her mass of curls.

"You looked peaceful, I've never seen you look peaceful before. You're always..." Camila struggled to find the words to describe her and settled shrugging, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Well I can assure you I wasn't peaceful, you hogged the entire bed. You are legit the smallest person I've ever met and you took up all my space," Lauren complained, propping herself up on her elbows.

"I did not, we easily had half each," The brunette protested, crossing her arms in defiance.

"Liar," Lauren shrieked accusingly, "you took the entire thing, I was freezing."

"If you wasn't so skinny you wouldn't be cold," Camila mimicked Lauren's words from last night and the raven haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I have a surprise for you," Lauren dismissed the sarcasm riddled comment, sitting up and climbing out of the bed.

"Oh no, I hate surprises," Camila whined, her body slumping.

"Boo you bore, it's fun. Now get your ass up so you can see it," The older girl clapped her hands impatiently and the brunette stood up, stretching her arms before following Lauren out of the room.

They walked into the kitchen and Camila looked around at the room which hadn't changed since the last time she'd been in here.

"Um.. what exactly am I looking for?" She questioned and Lauren rolled her eyes, taking her hand and walking her to the table but standing in front of the smaller girl so she couldn't see anything.

"It's not anything special but I felt guilty," She warned before stepping aside and Camila's eyes involuntarily widened.

On the large wooden table was a spread of food consisting of many Cuban dishes, pizza and in the centre a large chocolate cake.

"You did this for me?" Camila questioned softly, stroking the table cloth which Lauren had laid over the wood.

"Do you like it," Lauren bounced on her heals and Camila could tell she was nervous.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now