Forty Eight

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"Dinah hurry up I need to pee!" Alexa was knocking on the door insistently and the Polynesian shouted back an incoherent response before she was interrupted by another wave of nausea.

Camila whimpered at the noise, leaning her head against the toilet seat and squeezing her eyes shut.

Dinah was in Keana's ensuite and Camila was in the bathroom, both suffering from severe hangovers.

"You need to be sick or you won't feel better, baby," Lauren told her. She was sat behind Camila, the younger girl's pained face just visible.

"I hate sick," Camila wailed, flinching at the noise. "I'm fine, I've been here for ages."

She sat up, the sudden movement causing her to heave. She quickly collapsed to her knees and leant over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach.

Lauren pulled her hair back, rubbing her back firmly but soothingly.

The alcohol burned twice as much coming up as it did going down and Camila's throat felt raw from retching.

"Are you done?" Lauren asked when Camila stopped vomiting. The brunette nodded weakly, sitting up and wiping her mouth. "Here, have some water."

Lauren lifted the glass to her mouth, tilting it and Camila took a small sip warily, not wanting to throw up again.

"Can you stand up?" Lauren questioned but Camila shook her head. "Let's go back to sleep."

Camila suddenly lurched forward, her stomach heaving and Lauren was quick to tie her hair into a bun because it didn't seem like it was stopping anytime soon.

"Okay, you're okay Camz, you need to get it out," She told her soothingly but Camila couldn't focus on anything besides the pounding in her head.

"I want to go to bed," She whimpered once she was certain she was done being sick.

"Come on then," Lauren helped pull Camila onto her feet and practically dragged her back to a bedroom, laying her in bed.

They'd fell asleep on the couch but Lauren decided that it was better to sleep in bed and not disturb everyone. Also, it was more comfortable.

"Stay with me?" Camila questioned, opening her arms and Lauren settled beside her.

"It's six thirty in the morning, I'm not going anywhere," She laughed, pulling Camila into her embrace and holding her loosely.

"I'm sorry," Camila whispered and Lauren ran her finger up her spine.

"You can't help it," She shrugged.

"Was I annoying last night?" Camila mumbled, hiding her face in Lauren's chest.

"You're annoying every night," Lauren laughed, resulting in a weak shove from Camila. "You weren't annoying. You were so funny, you laughed at everything. And you loved everything."

"Not as much as I love you," Camila hummed, nuzzling further into her girlfriend.

"Not even Dinah?" Lauren joked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're a close second," Camila lied playfully, giggling at her own joke.

"Liar," Lauren accused.

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