Seventy One

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Camila had to go for tests the next morning.

It resulted in a full blow meltdown.

"No-o. No! No-o-o," Camila sobbed, her fingers digging into to Lauren's arm as she held on tightly.

She'd been happy all morning, content with cuddling Lauren and making meaningless conversation. The minute she'd found out that she had to leave she'd burst into tears.

"Camz it's just for a little while. Just to check you're okay," Lauren told her, gently trying to pry her fingers away. Camila cried harder when she realised what she was doing, only clinging tighter.

"Stay Lauren. Stay with me," She wailed.

"I can't. You'll be okay Camila, nothing will happen," Lauren pushed her away slightly, holding her to the bed because the nurse had finished doing whatever they were doing and ready to go.

"No-o. No no no," Camila thrashed for a few moments before giving up, crumpling against the bed and sobbing bitterly. "Don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here when you come back," Lauren reassured her, reaching out to wipe her cheeks.

She regretted the action when Camila clung to her arm tightly, trying to pull herself back into a sitting position.

One of the nurses made the (wrong) decision to pull Camila away, resulting in the brunette flailing wildly.

"Were gonna have to sedate her if she doesn't calm down," The other nurse informed her sadly and Lauren shook her head frantically.

"I'll calm her down. Don't sedate her," She rubbed her thumb over Camila's cheek in what she hoped was a reassuring way.

"We'll go and check on someone else and give you a few minutes," The first nurse smiled and Lauren was thankful that they were so nice and understanding or everything would be so much harder.

"Okay Camz, it's okay. I've got you," Lauren murmured, pulling her into her arms. Camila sat on her knees, collapsing into Lauren's arms and resting her chin on her shoulder.

The girl was hysterical, her breathing catching as she cried and resulting in hiccuping sounds.

"Breathe baby. You need to breathe," Lauren told her but Camila shook her head.

"I ca-an't. You're leavi-ing," She cried, still clutching Lauren tightly.

"I'm not leaving Camz. I'm right here. I've got you," Lauren reassured her, rubbing her back gently.

"Only for now," Camila gulped, her chest still rising unevenly against Lauren's.

"It's only for an hour baby. I'll be right here waiting for you when you come back," Lauren promised but Camila wasn't listening.

"I want you to stay," Camila wailed, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck.

"I want to stay with you too baby girl. But they need to make sure you're okay. We want you to get better," Lauren brushed her hair behind her ear, her other arm wrapped around her girlfriend.

"It's not fair," Camila sobbed and Lauren was pretty sure her heart was breaking into pieces.

"I know. It's not fair, I'm sorry. It'll be okay," She murmured as Camila cried into her neck.

They stayed like that until Lauren realised that Camila was probably hurting her legs sitting on them and went to move to sit on the bed.

"No-o," Camila practically cut off Lauren's airways and she clung to her even tighter.

Possession ➸ Camrenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें