Forty Four

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Camila stuck to her word about not sleeping that night.

She stayed awake the entire night, forcing her eyes to stay open despite how heavy they felt.

It was early morning when Lauren fell asleep.

Camila was half debating wether to wake her but remembered that the medication she was taking made her drowsy and decided it wasn't fair.

The clock in the kitchen said it was 6:37am when Camila decided to get a drink of water.

She didn't realize how bad she was shaking until she dropped the glass on the floor.

"Shit," She whispered, not wanting a repeat of yesterday.

"Is everything okay?" A groggy voice questioned and Camila turned around anxiously.

"I broke it," She mumbled ashamedly. Lauren lifted herself onto her tiptoes, peering over her shoulder to see what she meant.

"I've got it," Lauren told her and Camila bit on her lip.

"I can do it," She offered hesitantly and Lauren stepped forward, rubbing her arm.

"I've got it," She smiled reassuringly, "don't sweat it, it's just a glass. Go sit down and I'll bring you a drink."

Camila nodded, walking to the living room and Lauren bent down, sighing.

"I'm not incompetent," Camila said from the doorway and Lauren nodded.

"I know, I want to do it," She emphasised and Camila nodded before leaving.

Once the floor had been cleaned of glass for the second time in two days, Lauren grabbed a new one from the cupboard, noticing how the number was dwindling.

She quickly poured a glass of water before joining Camila on the couch.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep, it's my..." She started to explain.

"Medication, I know, you don't have to be sorry. I was a bit... out of it yesterday, I don't expect you to have stayed awake all night," Camila struggled to find the words, placing the glass on the floor.

They were both half expecting it to break.

"I know you were, it's okay, it's normal when you hit your head," Lauren shrugged, "as is forgetting things."

"I didn't hit my head, they hit my head," Camila told her slowly.

"They hit you lots in lots of places," Lauren added.

"And a knife," Camila mumbled.

"They fucking knifed you!" Lauren's voice rose in anger.

"What about the money Laur, The Society won't give it back, you know that," Camila sighed and Lauren ran a hand through her hair.

"I'll find a way, I'll figure it out, I can pay for it myself," She rambled, knowing full well she couldn't.

Camila's expression told her that she also knew.

"I'll kill them, if they come near you again I'll kill them, it's that simple," Lauren shrugged honestly.

"It's that simple?" Camila raised an eyebrow.

"It's that simple. You need to be safe, and Dinah too. I need you to be safe," Lauren told her, "and I've done a pretty shit job at protecting you."

"Don't say that," Camila murmured, looking at the couch.

"Why, it's true. You've been hurt more times than I can count, it's fucking stupid," Lauren scoffed.

"I'm-i'm not hurt, I'm okay," Camila stammered.

Possession ➸ CamrenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ