5 ~ Are you Ready?

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"As Harry got older he looked more and more like James, and he's got the personality of you both. He's friendly, nice, and-" McGonagall sighed, "He's definitely mischievous. He was a regular in detention."

   Most parents would be disappointed to hear that about their son. But James was beaming with pride. His own son was a mischievous child in school. He couldn't be happier.

"Oh! he seems perfect. When can we meet him?" Lily asked.

"Er- I'm not sure. I haven't seen him in years. I've been so busy at Hogwarts." McGonagall answered, "I'll be right back." She told Lily and James. Not too long after she returned with news.

   "I just spoke with Neville Longbottom. He told me Harry is now on Privet Drive." McGonagall announced.

   "Neville Longbottom? Like Frank and Alice Longbottom?" James asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes. He's now the Herbology professor at Hogwarts." McGonagall told James.

   "Really?" Lily said shocked. "It's amazing that it's been that long!" She continued. The idea of how much time had passed was absolutely terrifying to her. She missed so much.

"Let's go." McGonagall said. "Portus." She said as she waved her wand. They all placed one hand on the rock that McGonagall had turned into a Portkey.

   They had landed right at the sign on Privet Drive. "This is my sister's street." Lily said hesitantly, "Are you sure we have the right address?

"Well, Harry's lived here all his life. But I'm not sure why he's still here." She explained.

   "He what?!?" Lily and James were going to explode. Their faces turned bright red. They couldn't believe what they had just been told.

  "Why would you make him live with such terrible people!?" Lily yelled. She almost burst into tears. She loved her sister, but her sister didn't treat her with love after she went to Hogwarts.

"I asked the exact same question. This was all Albus's idea. I had even watched the Dursley's for a full 24 hours before we brought Harry to them." McGonagall explained to Lily, "I asked Albus if he was sure that it really was a good idea. They were truly awful people indeed, but Albus assured me it was safest for Harry to live with his last living relatives. I understand that now. All of Albus's plans were strange, and none of them were clear or made any sense at the time."

"What about Sirius?" James asked. McGonagall acted like she couldn't hear James's question and she ignored it for the moment. She didn't have the right to tell them, nor was it her responsibility to do so.

When they got to number 4 Privet Drive they knocked on the door. "Are you ready?" McGonagall asked. Lily and James's hearts raced. The were not ready whatsoever. But it's now or never isn't it?

A familiar red headed woman opened the door. She was extremely beautiful and she looked very young. She looked surprised to see who stood at the door.

"Professor McGonagall? What are you doing here?"

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