13 ~ The Get Together

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   Harry led Remus and Tonks upstairs to a bedroom. He knocked on the door and opened it to reveal James Sirius, Albus Severus and Rose Weasley.

The three kids turned to look at who was there. Rose got up and walked over to Harry.

"Remus, Tonks, This is my niece Rose Weasley." said Harry pointing down to the red headed girl. "Looks like a red headed Hermione!" Tonks smiled.

   James Sirius stood up and walked over to Harry.

"You have already met my son James Sirius." Harry said with a smile as he ruffled his son's dark brown hair.

"Wonderful name." Remus chuckled.

Harry turned around to see Albus Severus still sat on the floor with his back to them. Albus was pretty shy. Harry gave a small smile and he walked over to him. He kneeled down to him and whispered in his son's ear.

The boy gave a nod. Harry then picked him up and brought him over to Remus and Tonks, who were still standing by James Sirius and Rose. Remus and Tonks looked at the boy in Harry's arms and gasped.

"And this is Albus Severus Potter." Harry with a big smile. Remus and Tonks's jaws dropped. They both looked at Albus Severus and then back at Harry.

Harry and Albus looked almost identical. Albus was sporting his father's messy black hair and bright green eyes.

"He looks just like you!" Remus said in a shocked tone.

This made Harry the put the biggest smile on his face. Harry put his son down and he, Remus and Tonks left Albus, James Sirius and Rose to play.

He led them down the hall.

"There's one more person you need to meet." said Harry as he stood in front of a closed door.

Harry opened the door quietly. Harry walked into the room towards crib.

"Hey Lils." said Harry as he picked her up. Remus and Tonks smiled brightly. Harry handed Lily Luna over to Tonks. She looked down at her happily. Remus placed his hand on Harry's shoulder and smiled at him proudly.

   Tonks gave Lily Luna back to Harry and they all went downstairs.

   Not long after, it was finally time to eat it was time to eat.

"Everyone!" All eyes were focused on Harry. Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Luna, Remus, Tonks, James, Lily, George, Hagrid, McGonagall, Bill, Fleur, Molly, Arthur, Percy, Neville became quiet, and the kids weren't really paying attention.

   "Now, I know this is all very sudden, but it's for a great reason. I'm grateful for everyone who showed up, and those who came by surprise. This is about those who have come back from the dead. We all have hoped this day would come, making this is a dream come true." Harry said.

   He took a breath and sat back down and smiled. He was sitting with his family altogether. It felt absolutely amazing.

   James, Lily, Remus and Sirius were all having a blast. Ron was holding Lily Luna while he, Hermione and Ginny were enjoying a nice conversation. "You can tell Lily Luna's got more of the Weasley genes. You can see the red hair growing on her head!" Ron told Ginny and Hermione.


   "Oh my- Coming!" Harry exclaimed.

   "Professor! You're here!"

   "Yes. Sorry I'm late. I'm a little rusty at apperation." Dumbledore explained, "So, what did I miss?"

   "Nothing much. The party had just started." Harry told him.

   "Daddy. Where is my bear?" James Sirius asked Harry. "Mommy has it." Harry told his son.

   "What did he call you?" Dumbledore asked.

   "I'm sorry, one moment please. James come here!" Harry called. Once James Sirius showed up. He whispered in his ear very quietly. James Sirius smiled and nodded his head and ran off. "Where did he go?" Dumbledore asked. "You'll see." Harry told him. And not even a moment later James Sirius returned with Albus.

   "These are my sons. This is James Sirius and this is Albus Severus."

   "Oh Harry. Thank you." Dumbledore smiled. Harry then went to pick up Lily Luna from Ron.

   "And this is my daughter Lily Luna." Harry introduced her to Dumbledore.
Dumbledore's smile grew bigger.

   "Come on. Let's go surprise everyone." Harry told him. "Everyone. We have a late guest." Harry announced. Everyone gasped at the sight of Albus Dumbledore.

   "Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Minerva, Hagrid! So good to see you all!" said Dumbledore. They began to chat for awhile until Dumbledore talked to almost everyone. Everyone except the trio.

   "Ron, Hermione, Harry. I see my clues I left years ago helped you destroy those horcruxes. You all are so brave and smart. I'm very proud." Dumbledore had complimented them.

   "We've missed you Dumbledore. It's great to have you back." Hermione told him.

"Ms. Granger." He said. "Well actually, it's Mrs. Weasley." She told him.

"Oh! Well then." Dumbledore said as he looked over at Ron. He then turned to Rose and Hugo, "I'm guessing those 2 are yours then."

"Yup. Rose and Hugo are ours." Hermione confirmed.

"I could tell. Your children look just like their parents. They're very lucky." Dumbledore said.

Ginny said giggled walking up behind them and grabbed Harry's hand and smiled.

   Harry felt like this get together had been going on forever. But that was fine. He didn't want it to end.

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