19 ~ How Would I Know?

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   Harry sat on the bed. It was a long day. Fred and George had already left and everyone was happy. But something bothered Harry. He put his hand on his scar and he began to remember all his fun and scary adventures. Thoughts raced through his head.

   "What if You-Know-Who comes back? Are you sure it's them. What if they're Death Eaters. Can't be to careful." These thoughts burned him. Harry rushed down stairs. Everyone's heads turned.

   "Harry. How are you doing." Lily asked. "Fine." Harry groaned. Grabbing the door.

   "Where you off to this late?" Sirius began to question. "Why do you want to know!" Harry yelled.

   "Harry! What's going on!" James yelled. "Yeah, What is going on? You've been dead for 27 years!" Harry yelled back.

   "WERE!?!" Lily shouted.

   "NO! It doesn't add up! How could you be alive! The only answer is Polyjuice!" Harry yelled.

   "Harry that doesn't make sense!" Sirius shouted, "Do you think we are Death Eaters? The Dark Lord is gone!"

Harry without hesitation began to cry, "AND SO ARE YOU! DEATH EATERS SPENT YEARS TRYING TO KILL ME!" It's like he didn't even take a single breath.

   "IT'S BEEN OVER A WEEK. WOULD I GO THIS FAR TO MURDER MY OWN SON?"  James yelled the loudest. It was like the whole house shook.

   "Get out." Harry said under his breath.

   "Harry. It's us." Lily said calmly. Trying to lighten the mood.

   "GET OUT!" Harry said louder.

   "Harry. It really is us. You know this." Sirius told him. "HOW WOULD I KNOW?" Harry shouted. Everyone was silent and Harry fell to his knees and sobbed.

   "How would I know?" Harry continued to brake down. His Mother hugged him. Harry gripped on to her and cried, "Don't leave me again." Harry cried. Lily got up and walked to James and Sirius to let him be.

Ginny came down with James Sirius and Albus Severus. They surrounded Harry and hugged him as Ginny began to comfort Harry, "Harry. I know this is all hard to believe, but you need to remember that we are all really here for you. We love you."

   James, Lily and Sirius hugged. James and Lily began to cry. This is going to be a long journey.

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