24 ~ Crying Sky

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   As another day ends and a new one is just around the corner.

   The Potters were all asleep. At least that's what they thought. The sound of water hitting the roof and falling down to the soaking grass. Thunder crashed giving the world a jump scare.

Little Albus Severus pulled his soft fluffy blanket with designs of wands all across it over his mouth and grasped his owl plush toy as tight as his little arms could squeeze.

   As the thunder roared again Albus jumped out of his bed, which looked like the sidecar to Hagrid's bike, and ran out to the hall. He peeked his head out through the door frame into a dark room and whispered, "Daddy." But no answer.

He then tip toed a little farther in. "Daddy." He called. "Al?" Harry rubbed his eyes, "Whats wrong." He whispered. "I'm scared." Albus told his dad in a sacred voice.

   "Well, the sky is sad." Harry told Albus as he carried him back to his room. "What?" Albus asked curiously. "Well he's crying. He must've had a bad day." Harry suggested. "Maybe, But he cries differently than I do." Albus told his dad.

"Just because something might be different doesn't mean you should be afraid. You cry sometimes and you get tired, and eventually you calm down. So will he." Harry explained to Albus. "Aw. Poor sky! Maybe I am scaring him." Albus worried.

   "Maybe if you go show him you're not scared, he will realize everything is alright." Harry suggested. "I didn't want to scare him!" Albus told Harry. "Come on buddy. Let's go to bed." Harry told his son.

Albus got under the the covers and crawled in. "Goodnight, Al." Harry whispered. "Goodnight, Daddy." Albus replied. Harry smiled and went back to bed.

   Albus peeked out the window covered in water droplets. He smiled and whispered, "Don't cry. Tomorrow will be a better day. I promise."

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