41 ~ Surreal moments

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Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter is out a little late. I've been out all week and I didn't have the chance to post this weeks chapter on Tuesday.


Ron and Hermione glanced at Harry. They looked confused. Ron peered into the living room and looked at Lily Potter.

"How did your mother react?" Ron asked his best friend.

   "Well. I left them alone to talk, but as I was walking out I overheard Snape apologize to her. But mum cut him off. They just weren't ready. They did have a small conversation after that. She told me later that although she accepts him being here, she just can't forgive him yet. She knows he protected me for her, but I figured that she also knows how he treated us at Hogwarts." answered Harry.

   Hermione nodded, "She has every right to not accept his apology, Harry. I mean, she doesn't want to accept it yet."

   Harry glanced behind him to see Ginny and then he looked back to Ron and Hermione, "I think that she will forgive him, but Gin says it's going to take time. I mean it might be soon or it might be several years in the future." 

   "Well, Ginny's right. I don't expect forgiveness right away for anything. What Snape did really affected your mother. It's easy to hurt someone, but it's hard to heal." said Hermione.

Ron, Harry and Hermione smiled.

"Lets just go back and join everyone else." Ron suggested.

Just then Hermione, Ron and Harry began to make their way back to James, Lily, Sirius and Ginny, who were all still seated in the living room while Lily Luna, James Sirius and Albus Severus were already asleep.

As they all entered the room, Lily, who was in the middle of a conversation with Sirius, stopped and turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione, "Everything alright?"

   "Yes. Everything's fine." answered Hermione.

Lily smiled and then she turned to Sirius to continue their conversation. Hermione was still thrown off that Snape was alive, and that he is in this very same house. Hermione sat back down on the couch next to Ron, who was resting his arm behind her. 

   Ginny got up from the arm chair she was sitting in and signaled for Harry to take the spot. Harry hesitantly sat down in the chair. He didn't want to take the chair from Ginny, but he knew better than to argue with her. Just then, Ginny sat on the floor by Harry and smiled as she leaned against him.

Harry's face turned bright red as he felt her head lean against his leg.

   Every time she would do this it reminded Harry of their time together during his sixth year.

   James looked at Harry and Ginny and smiled ear to ear. It was still so hard for him to believe that he had missed so much of Harry's life. Last time he saw Harry, he was only one years old, and now he's an adult. It was sort of hard for him to see. One second he's a baby, and the next he's got his own children. As much as he hated missing his life, he was so proud of Harry.

   James tapped Lily on the shoulder and quietly whispered into her ear so only she could hear, "Look."

Lily's attention turned to Harry, who had moved from the chair to the floor with Ginny.

   Ginny shut her eyes as she rested her head on Harry's shoulder as Harry ran his hand through her hair. Harry noticed that his parents had been watching and he started to smile.

Harry's eyes moved from Ginny to his mother. Lily had the biggest smile on her face. She could tell Ginny made Harry so happy, and that made her even more happy.

"They look just like us, don't they?" James whispered quietly to Lily. She looked back at James and she laughed.

"Yeah. They do." Lily whispered back. Lily laughed as she remembered all the moments she and James had shared together.

Sirius looked to see Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. He smiled and even let out a laugh. He also thought the same thing James did. He thought this was all really strange as well.

In his head, Harry, Ron and Hermione were still fifteen, but that definitely wasn't true. He felt proud of his godson. He looked just like James, and it was all so surreal.

Harry spent the whole day worrying about Snape all day long. Even though he was confident that everything was going to be ok with time. He trusted that Snape would realize that he is welcome to join them and begin to start over anytime.

However, all those thoughts and worries about forgiveness and being ready left his mind immediately when he sat with Ginny. He cared for her. He truly loved her. He knew there was no point in worrying right now. In fact he almost forgot all his worries entirely. There was no point in worrying over something that was out of his control.

Harry had what he wanted, and that was his family. These moments were the things he cherished most.

   He trusted his mother to make her own choices. He knew she was and still is a strong and powerful witch, both physically and mentally. He trusted that she would rebuild her friendship with Snape when she was ready.

   Harry smiled as he had his arm around Ginny. He felt calm and he felt safe. His family was all he ever wanted, and he had it. Harry cherished every laugh and smile. He knew that it was ridiculous to worry on a perfect night like this.

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