38 - Severus

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   Harry's attention turned to the doorway. He noticed his mother who was standing there and smiling at him. Snape turned as well.

   "Hello, Severus." Lily said in a calm voice as she walked in to sit next to Snape. Her green eyes locked onto him.

   "Lily." Snape replied.

   Harry then took James Sirius and Albus Severus to bed. After that, Snape and Lily were alone.

   "Lily. I'm so sor-" Snape began, but Lily cut her off, "Don't say it."

   Snape's heart dropped. He just looked at the floor and waited for her to speak.

   "Why did you do it, Severus?" she asked him. Snape had no answer and they were back to silence.

   "He looks just like James." Snape said quietly. Lily could tell he wasn't really seem enthusiastic about that. Lily smiled.

  "He does, doesn't he." Lily giggled. Snape knew she was still hurt. But he was glad to see her happy.

   "He thinks you're brave." Lily told Snape looking at her thumbs.

   "Severus." said Lily, "Thank you."
Snape's eyes grew. Snape and Lily sat in silence again.

   "I did it for you." Snape told her.

  "I know." Lily added. Somehow Lily knew. She just did.

   Severus looked around the room. Which was filled with toys upon toys and pictures of Harry, Ginny, James Sirius and Albus Severus. Memories they made over the past few years. Snape was overwhelmed.

   Harry had the looks of his father, but the heart of his mother. Snape began to look back on everything he ever did to him. He had no clue what the future held.

   Snape stood up to leave the room, but just before he reached the door Lily spoke, "He's got another one you know."

Snape had halted before he even made it an inch passed the door.

  "Another what?" said Snape in a bleak tone. He didn't turn. His back was towards Lily. He just couldn't look at her. It was too much.

"Another child, Severus." said Lily, "A girl. Her name's Lily Luna."

   Snape turned around, "Is that so?"

   Lily sighed as she began to speak again.

   "I just... I figured that if you're going to be staying here, you ought to know." Snape gave Lily a small smile. but she smiled back, although she almost didn't. Lily hadn't forgiven him for what he had done, but she accepted him. 

   Snape left the room and made his way down to the guest room Harry said he could stay in, and while making his way down he passed by Harry and Ginny's room once again.

   He turned his head and glanced inside. Only this time he saw both Harry, Ginny and the baby. Harry and Ginny looked at Snape. They gave him a smile. Snape nodded his head and continued making his way to the room.

   Lastly, he walked through the living room, where James and Sirius watched him walk by in awe. Snape still despised them, of course, nothing could change that. The air felt tense, and Snape didn't dare to look back at them.

   Finally, he opened the door. He made his way towards the bed and flopped onto his back. As he stared at the ceiling he began to think.

   Things were changing. Wether it was good or something bad, he wasn't sure. He wasn't afraid either. This was his opportunity to start fresh. But was that really what he wanted?

   Although, he was in the same house as the two people he truly despised the most, he didn't care. He saw his chance to be there for someone he had hurt. Even though he didn't see forgiveness in the near. This was big.

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