26 ~ Laundry

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Ginny whistled down the hallway of the noisy house. Which went from a 5/10 loudness scale to a solid 12/10! All that was on her mind until this moment was how she was still so happy that people have returned from the dead. It was a blessing.

But she was still worried. What if this is temporary? She thought to herself. But then she brushed it off. Everyone was back. At least she hoped. She had a feeling someone is absent. However she just shrugged it off and continued doing the laundry.

Harry was down stairs. Walking around and cleaning. Pretty important since they have 8 people in their house now. So everyone is pitching in to help make room.

Then Harry felt something under his foot. As he looked down he saw a sock. An old and smelly sock. Ginny I think you dropped a sock! It really needs to be washed! I don't know who's it is.

Harry looked down at the sock. This sock seemed vey familiar. Too familiar that it was very uncomfortable. Then hear loud thumping and ran upstairs to the closet. Which was where the sound was strongest.

He had out his wand, and pushed the closet door open. "Dobby!?" He said in shock staring at the house elf in the closet. "What are you doing here!" Harry asked.

"Dobby wanted to wash his sock. So Dobby came to Harry Potter's house to wash it, but Dobby felt bad because Dobby did not tell Harry Potter that he was here and- wait a minute..." Dobby paused. He thinks about where he last saw Harry just a little while ago.

Harry recognized the face Dobby was showing. He's seen it too many times lately, "Dobby I know exactly what you are thinking. It is a long story. I just cannot believe you are back!" Harry explained.

"Back? Back from where?" Dobby Asked. Dobby and Harry sat down and Harry explained everything that happened. (I'm not writing it. You've heard it too many times already.

Dobby looked confused and shocked at the same time. Something Harry had not seen Dobby like before. As if Dobby was confused on the matter but was putting the pieces together as they spoke.

But all Harry thought about was how amazing the entire rest of his life was going to be with all his family and friends with him. And thats what mattered.

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