11 ~ Party Planning

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   Ginny blurted out the one thing that would drive us all crazy if they came,

   "The reporters for The Daily Prophet better not show up. That would be a mess." Harry rushed over to her like she was a child and he was her father. He began reassuring her and telling her what to do, "Now Ginny. Don't jinx yourself." everyone chuckled.

   Harry wanted nothing to do with the press. They already loved making fake stories out of his life. They loved to bend the truth. Who does that? What kind of sick monster writes fictional stories about someone else's life for their own and maybe others enjoyment! That's crazy!

   Besides they knew they shouldn't worry.

   "It's only been two days since we returned. We don't know how it happened, and why now and why it couldn't be done before!" James said to everyone.

Suddenly the sound of an engine filled the house. "Whats that sound? It sounds so familiar." Sirius recalled.

Ginny peaked through the lens on the door. "Oh my. He's here! This is going to be fun." Harry told the kids to follow him upstairs.


Someone had hit the door so hard that it almost fell over. Which was actually a familiar memory for Harry when he first met a certain someone.

   "Hagrid." Harry said over the rumbling sound that was so loud nobody could hear anything. James ran to the door to reveal a very tall man standing behind it.

   Hagrid's face tuened into one of pure shock at the sight of THE James Potter in the flesh.

   "Hagrid!" shouted Lily. Hagrid was beyond speechless at this point at what was going on in front of him. His face was still pale, his still eyes wide and his jaw practically on the floor.

   Hagrid, who was still struggling to speak, eventually found the words, "Lily! James! Oh my- it's true!"

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