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Eliana Joy-

I was now only five days away from showing Tyler the treehouse.

I was slightly scared. I was getting very attached to the boy, which also scared me.

"Hey Eliana." Tyler smiled, as he walked closer to me from the water.

"Hi Tyler." I smiled back. He looked so happy. It made me smile automatically.

"Is that a ukulele?" I asked, pointing at the instrument in the sand, next to where Tyler had sat. 

"Yeah. It's mine. Do you know anything?" He asked. I nodded, which made him go get he instrument before handing it to me. I played a quick song before handing it back to him.

"That sounded great. I like how the chords flowed so easily. I'm only just learning." Tyler sighed.

"Well, I can maybe teach you some?" I suggested. He nodded and smiled as I showed him some chords and such. I gave him tips like holding the 'Am' chord with your middle finger so going to 'F' would be easier.

"Hey Eliana, how old are you? And how come we've never asked each other before?" Tyler asked two questions at once.

"I'm fifteen, turning sixteen this year." I smiled.

"Really? I am too. When's your birthday?" Tyler questioned me.

"My birthday is December second." I answered.

"Hah! I'm older. Mines December first." Tyler exclaimed.

Chasing The Sun || Tyler Joseph [completed]Where stories live. Discover now