Chapter Thirteen

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"This is the one I was telling you about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it." Mason said to Liam showing him the book.

"You're still reading about this stuff?" Liam asked.

"I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull. It left an impression. Look, look, have you ever seen anything like this?" Mason showed his best friend the picture of a Berserker.

"Uh no. never."

"And then there's this whole section on the Nagual. He you ever heard of the name Tezcat..." Mason struggled.

"Tezcatlipoca. No, no, never heard of him."

The two boys walked into their classes, Liam let out a groan as he looked at the girl in next to him. Isabelle, who had the seat in front of him turned to her boyfriend and raised an eyebrow.

"Great." Liam said.

Liam looked around the class, looking for an empty seat.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura spoke, gaining his attention. "You're not gonna just stand there, are you?"

Liam looked at the girl next to him, making Isabelle turn to her too. "Maybe," he nodded.

"The whole semester?"


"Liam, have a seat."

Isabelle was watching her boyfriend as he sat down and shifted in his seat, raising slightly to reveal gum on his chair and his butt (a/n: we were all blessed). Mason smiled and the girl next to Liam smirked, Isabelle frowned at her boyfriend and turned around in her seat.

Isabelle waited for Liam and Mason outside of the boys' bathroom. When the door opened it had revealed Liam and Mason, Liam wearing his shorts because of the gum incident.

"Look I'm not saying I believe all of it a hundred percent but people around us seem to know things. Like Lydia, she knows things. And Isabelle." Mason looked to the girl who sighed.

"Dude, it's the first day of school. Shouldn't you be thinking about other things like... the soccer team?"
"What do you think I'm going to do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?"

"It's warm out. They're probably gonna be shirtless."

Mason sighed, "I'll see you in Physics."

Mason walked away and Liam turned to his girlfriend, "hey, baby." he said, leaning in to kiss her. Before their lips could meet they were interrupted.

"Nice shorts." a voice spoke, making the couple break apart.

"Yeah, thanks. You know, I was wondering if you were still pissed off about the sixth grade, but I guess you cleared that up." Liam said to the girl.

"I'm not pissed off, Liam. I'm vengeful." Hayden locked the lock and walked away.

"More like petty." Isabelle mumbled, making her boyfriend turn to her.

"Angel, you reek of jealousy." Liam said.

"And you reek of you're into her." Isabelle replied, walking off.

Isabelle groaned as Stiles had forced her into the Jeep. "I'm pretty sure this is considered kidnapping." She said.

"What's a Criminal Tremor?" Liam asked, holding up a green sheet of paper.

Stiles grabbed the paper from Liam's hand. "It doesn't matter." the older boy replied.

The three hid in the bushes as they watched Theo grab something from his trunk.

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