Chapter 6

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Well my little readers, WE DID IT!!!! 300 READS!!!!! Now let's get to a 1000!!!!! *cricket cricket* geeze, I was just kidding, take a joke. So anyways, I'd like to thank you all even though it may not seem like much, but still, it's a lot to me!!! So let's read and see what happens next.

It's been thirty minutes already and Riley was still gone. All I had the urge to do was sneak into the building where the ceremony was being held at and watch the appointing of alpha. But of course I couldn't. Why? Well one, I have no idea which building it was in this huge town, and two, it was forbidden.

I got up from my new bed and stood in front of the dusty mirror, looking at my reflection, or if you can even call it a reflection. It just looked like a blurred blob, but I could still make out some features. I still had dirt smudged on me, my hair was a rats nest, my blue dress was wrinkled, and oh yeah, I was still wearing an apron.

I went over to my trunk, which Riley had so kindly sat by my door, and started to dig through it. I had the basics, all of my books, pictures burnt by the edges, all of my mothers old dresses, old shoes, undergarments, and my favorite, my old doll from my childhood.

I quickly grabbed one of mom's dresses, which was pink, and some undergarments. Then, I stood up and went out into the hallway.

'Willow, watcha doing?'

"Oh nothing, just looking for a bathroom."

I could feel my wolf sigh as I walked down the hallway.

I stopped at Riley's bedroom door. If this is his bedroom, then the room across must be a bathroom.

I swirled around to the door opposite of Riley's and reached for the handle. I began to peer inside it as I slowly opened the door.

A sink with a brush? Check. A toilet? Check again. Mirror and tub? Check and check. Shower? Check!

I fisted the air and scrambled into the bathroom. Then I checked Riley's shower for necessities. All was in order when I saw shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a razor.

Oh thank gosh! A razor! Now, don't get me wrong, I've been shaving for the past three years, but not with a razor blade. No, I used a freaking hunting knife. I don't recommend that because it hurts like crazy.

I quickly turned the hot water on, stripped from my clothes, and jumped into the shower.

Gosh it felt good. The hot water hitting my back, releasing tension from my muscles. It just felt so relaxing.

I squeezed some shampoo into my hand and began to scrub my hair. Maybe after this I'll have shiny hair again.

I shook my head and and began to wash my body with, wait for it, body wash! And boy, it sure did smell good.

I let the water rinse all the soap from my body and reached for the razor.

'Umm, are we even aloud to use this?'

I nodded. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to clean it and put it back where it was."

And so, I began to shave my legs and my under arms. When I finished, my body felt so silky. But I still had one more step. Conditioner.

I squeezed some into my hand and began to scrub my hair. I could feel some of the knots come undone, but not a lot.

Once I was done I let the water rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Then I turned off the water and grabbed a towel that was hanging beside the shower.

Once I was done drying myself, I quickly grabbed my undergarments and put them one.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the brush from the sink. You could imagine what I did next, I brushed my rats nest. When I finished, I looked into the mirror. I jumped out with surprise. Why? I had forgotten what I looked like over the three years. It was just surprising to see a clear reflection at all.

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