Chapter 16

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Well my little readers, are you ready? TO PARTY?!?!?! I'm just kidding, I don't know how to party. I'd just be doing a weird dance in a dark corner, than I'd go on a sugar high, then I'd be a ninja. So it's best not to throw a party with me around, bbbbuuuuuttttt, if you have a party near me, I'm invited. Right? Right? Pretty please! I like parties ψ(`∇')ψ so anyways, let's get reading, okay? And I am deeply sorry for the late update and short chapter. When break started, I played more than I wrote. But, since break is over, I started writing again, so enjoy ^.^

Willow's POV

I awoke my from my sleep still cuddled in Riley's arms. Then I remembered, I kissed him a couple of hours ago, before we fell asleep.

A heated blush crept up my neck at the memory. Why did I do that? How was I even that brave? That was the first kiss I ever gave anyone. Did that count as my first kiss? He didn't kiss me back, so why did I feel like a dragon was raging in my stomach?

I shook my head of that thought and began to struggle to get out of Riley's arms. But I failed miserably. It was like he was Popeye, as if he ate a whole can if spinach and became super strong.

Wait a minute. Could he possibly be- no, what am I thinking? Riley can't be a fictional cartoon character.

I giggled as I tried to push myself away from Riley.

Release me you stubborn bull!

I sighed and began to scan the room for anything that could help me get out of Riley's arms. That's when I saw it, a single feather sticking out of Riley's pillow.

I quickly plucked it and narrowed my eyes.

"Alright soldier," I whispered. "Do your job."

I dangled the feather over Riley's nose and began to move it back and forth.

At first he just scrunched his nose, but then Riley began to squirm on the bed, constantly scratching his nose.

That's right, tickle, tickle, tickle.

Riley finally released his grip and I quickly and stealthily rolled off the bed.

"Finally," I murmured.

I got up from my knees and quickly began to tiptoe out of the bedroom. When I entered the hallway, I closed the door slowly and quietly, doing my best not to wake up Riley. But when I was done with that, the thought came to me. What do I do now?

'Paige,' Accalia stated in my head.

I nodded and made my way to my old bedroom that Paige now slept in. When I opened the door, my eyes widened with shock.

Paige, she was all better. She was no longer skin and bones, she looked like she did three years ago, healthy. And her cuts and bruises, they were all gone. It was as if a wizard or something in that category had came and healed her.

I narrowed my eyes. Could it have been that deer that healed itself in the woods.

I shook my head. No, it was Aviary, the pack witch. She used that angelic herb.

I stepped into the bedroom and slowly made my way to the bed. Than I sat on the edge of it.

"Paige," I whispered.

Her breathing was at a healthy state. And her skin color wasn't pale as it was when she showed up.

I smiled when she stirred in her sleep. She was going to need a lot of rest, so I probably shouldn't wake her.

I was about to get up off the bed until a familiar red ball of fur jumped onto the bed.

"Fox Face?"

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