Chapter 26

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Wow, I can't believe I'm almost done with this book 0.o I feel like there's only seven chapters left. So, let's read!!!

Willow's POV

"And I also brought this dress for you. Willow?"

I looked up at Nick who was holding a sun dress up while he looked at me desperately. Ever since that day I went with him, I haven't even broken into a smile.

That day was a week and a half ago.

"Willow, is something wrong?"

I nodded. "Your mate must be worried. You should go and check on her."

"Actually," he scratched his head. "I'm going on a trip with her soon to settle some, matters. You'll be all alone for a few days."


"You promise you won't go back to that pack?" He questioned.

I nodded. I didn't want to speak out and say "yeah, I promise I won't run to my mate."

He nodded and jumped to his feet before taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckle. I shuddered. Then he turned and left, leaving me in my dead village.

That's right, he brought me to where he had killed my family.

When I could no longer hear his footsteps, I stood and grabbed the dress he had given me, grabbing it's sides before pulling with all my might.

I tore it right down the middle.

I wasn't going to accept anything he'd give me. The food he left for me, I'd toss them out, and the clothes, I'd rip them. To be honest, I have no idea how I've survived this long. Must be some werewolf thing.

I began walking, listening to the worried voices of Riley and the pack. I had blocked them out the night I left with Nick so that they wouldn't track me down. If they found me, Nick would attack them, and I didn't want anyone to die for me.

I halted at the graves of my family and sat down.

"Hey mom. So, I found my mate a couple of weeks ago, you already know that. But you're probably wondering why I'm back. Well, it's Nick. He said that if I didn't return with him, he'd hurt Riley and the pack. They already hurt his little sister, and-"

I fell silent when something familiar caught my eye. "What the..." I quickly plucked the item from the ground and observed it.

"This- this is the flower that killed me when I was a kid!"

The rainbow flower sparkled in the sunlight, looking extravagant and captivating.

'Don't do it.' Accalia growled in my head.

"Well, look who finally decides to show up. I haven't heard from you in awhile."

'I've been busy."

"Busy?" I snapped. "You're inside my body! What's so busy in there?"


"Yeah, exactly. Do you even have any idea what's going on? We can't see our mate anymore!"

Accalia growled. 'I know what Nick is doing Willow. But do you not remember what that flower did to us? It killed us! So if you take a bite from it like you're thinking, you won't just kill us for a second time, you'll also kill Riley!'

I smiled at the poisonous flower. "Don't worry, it's not going to kill us."

'Willow! Don't do-'

She wasn't able to finish because by the time she shouted my name, I was already swallowing the deadly weed.

Black dots filled my vision before turning to complete and utter darkness. And the strange thing was, I wasn't afraid, I welcomed it.

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