Chapter 25

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HELLO MY LITTLE READERS!!! ......sooooooo, I don't have much to say....sooooooo....

Riley's POV

The ball room was set up perfectly, and the Alphas and Lunas of surrounding packs seemed to be enjoying themselves while their packs either danced or chatted. But it was mostly the men of the packs using pickup lines on the women in mine.

I chuckled and turned my gaze to Travis. Usually we would butt heads, but not anymore. I had no reason to. He had found his mate, who he was dancing with, which was Willow's best friend. He would no longer mess with my mate.

"Um, Alpha Hollingsworth?" A shy voice squeaked.

I looked down at a young girl fiddling with the hem of her dress. I instantly recognized her as Alpha Carter's youngest daughter, Kiki.

"Yes sweety?"

Her face turned red as a fire truck as she turned from my gaze, earning a chuckle to escape my lips.

"Um, I was wondering if you would touch my hand."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Why would you ask that?"

"Well, I haven't found my mate, and mommy says I'm too young. But then I heard that you haven't found yours either, so I was wondering if I would feel those shocks with you."

I smiled and knelt down, taking her small hand in my own. She instantly frowned and I knew why. No shocks.

"No shocks." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry princess, but I have already found my mate. In fact, you might actually meet her when she arrives. But I'll tell you what. Since your mate is most likely here today, I'll dance with you to make him jealous."

Kiki broke into a grin. "Okay! A dance! I'll be right back!"

And with that, she scampered off.

"Congratulations Alpha, you broke my daughters heart and mended it with one sentence. You have quite the silver tongue."

I stood and turned to Alpha Carter. "Alpha, I am pleased you could make it." I said as I nodded with respect.

He slapped my back in a brotherly manner. "Now now Riley! We're all friends here! Now, where's that mate of yours, I haven't had the pleasure to meet her."

I broke into a toothy grin. "I promise James, you'll meet her tonight. I told her I had some business to attend to and that my Beta would pick her up."

He smirked. "And what business would that be?"

I could feel my face flush before digging in my pocket and pulling out a small velvet box. Inside was my grandmother's ring.

"Riley, I heard that you met her only three weeks ago."

I nodded while looking at the box. "Yes, but I feel as if I have to do it now."

The Alpha broke into laughter. "Oh boy, you sound just like me when I was your age. Christian! Come here a second!"

A woman in an elegant gown approached me and bowed her head in respect. Alpha Carter's wife, the Luna.

"Yes love?" She questioned with a thick British accent while staring at her mate with love and compassion.

"Honey, tell Riley about my proposal."

She giggled and turned to me. "Well, I was new to the pack. I had just moved from the United Kingdom with my family because there were hardly any packs there. So when I went to the high school, late I might add, I went straight to the lunch line because the lunch bell had just rang." She sighed at the sweet memory. "Well, I felt someone's eyes on me, so I searched for someone's gaze. I finally saw James here with a wide smile staring at me. So I of course gave a small one in return. But it didn't end there, no. At the end of school, he ran up to me and held out his hand, saying he was the almighty Alpha James Carter. I shook his hand then boom, we felt the sparks. But then, James ran off like the wind. I thought he was denying me. But just as I was about to leave, he darted to me, got on one knee, pulled out a ring, and, I quote, 'Miss lady who I felt sparks with, I believe we are mates. So may you, pretty please with a cherry on top, marry me?'"

They broke into fits of laughter as I chuckled. My proposal wouldn't exactly be like that, but it might be...strange. I've never done this before so I had no idea how to do it.

"James, you are quite-" I started before the doors slammed open.

Everyone averted their eyes to Kyle who was breathing heavily and Alissa who looked as if she had just finished crying.

When they saw me they ran my way, not even stopping to say apologies to the people they shoved.

"Kyle, Alissa, what's wrong?"

I could feel everyone's stares and curiosity. We were most likely causing a scene.

"Willow," Kyle gasped. "She's-"

He didn't finish the sentence before Alissa broke in.

"She's gone! She wasn't at your house!"

Fear began to surge through me. "Then where is she?"

"We don't know." She sobbed. "But...there was a rouge's scent in your yard as well as Willow's."

"There was no sign of struggle," Kyle added.

I dropped the small box as my wolf pushed through.

'Nick!' My wolf growled. 'It had to be him!'

"Grab him!" Alpha Carter shouted. "Don't let his wolf take control!"

I felt my body shift and hair erupt before pack members dove for me. But before they could reach me, I ran for the door.

My wolf and I agreed on one thing as we ran for the exit. We were going to kill Nick.

Before I leapt out the door, Aviary stopped me, using a spell to create a barrier blocking the door.

"Get out of my way!" I growled, sending her a link.

She didn't move, instead she walked towards me and placed her hand on my head.

"Riley, my Willow wouldn't approve of this." She whispered so that I only heard.

"Your Willow?"

She smiled, and for a moment, her features shifted. What caught me off guard was that her features changed into ones that Willow had.

"Sleep, Riley."

And with that, my world went black.

Okay, short chapter, I know. But to be honest I rushed this one tonight. I finished my homework early and decided it would be best to give you guys a chapter. So please accept my apologies mi amigos :3

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