Chapter 21

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Well howdy doodie my little readers! Y'all peeps having fun??? I know I am.... Sorry, I lied, I'm not... The only fun I have is on wattpad and I sometimes can never get on. So I do apologize. Anyways, get reading my little readers ^.^

Willow's POV

"Guys, no. Just no." I stated wide eyed, as Renee threw swimsuits at me, one after another, and while Alissa tried to dress an unconscious Paige into a bikini. Let's just say, it wasn't going well.

"Oooooo." Renee giggled as she held up a bikini that seemed to be just strings. "This is cute."

I gave a silent yelp and snatched it away from her.

"Are you crazy? This is just pieces of dental floss!"

Renee shrugged and reached for the humiliating swimsuit in my hands. But before she could take it, I pitched it out of the dressing room.

Renee scowled. "That was a freaking awesome bikini."

"I'd rather swim naked than wear that."

"Done!" Alissa exclaimed.

We turned towards her and my mouth dropped while Renee laughed. Alissa was doing jazz hands to an unconscious Paige who was wearing a cherry bikini. Was this a joke?

"Oh my gosh this is perfect!" Renee laughed. "I need a picture!"

She whipped out her phone and got ready to take a picture, but she froze and smirked.

"Alissa, put your sunglasses on her!"

Alissa ceased her jazz hands and laughed. Then she slipped her sunglasses off the top of her head and placed them on Paige. Renee got back in position for their "amusement."

I'm so sorry my friend. Please, forgive me for not stopping them.


"There," Renee said as she giggled. "Wait a second.... Alissa! Is that what I think it is!" She shrieked with amusement as she pointed to Paige.

I looked at Paige closely until I saw scribble marks on her cheek. What the heck was that? A backwards three, equal sign, equal sign, then a capitalized "D"?

....Wait a second! Is that a....

I glared at Alissa who was playing with a sharpie in her hands. I believe I have found the culprit.

I walked up to her, catching her attention. When she looked up at me with a questioning look, I slapped her against her head.

"What the heck was that for?" She groaned. "Geeze, you hit hard."

I pointed at Paige's face. "You drew a penis on my friends face! And she's knocked out!"

Alissa gave a sly smile and did a hand gesture like "oh you." "No one will notice."

"Actually," Renee said while she played with her phone. "I already tweeted it, instagramed it, put it on Facebook, and uploaded it to tumblr. Oh, and I took a small video and put it on vine." She fisted the air. "Do it for the vine!"

I rubbed the back of my neck while Alissa broke out into laughter and fell on her butt. "It can't be that bad... I mean, how many people could possibly see it?"

"Well," Renee continued. "I have two point five million followers on twitter, one point nine followers on Instagram, five hundred friends on Facebook, three million followers on tumblr, and seven hundred and sixty followers on vine."

My mouth dropped. That many? Holy crap, that means poor Paige-

"She's very popular," Alissa chimed in.

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