Chapter 15

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Well my little readers, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I think this is by far the largest chapter I've written, even though it's short XD Hope y'all doodads enjoy!!!

(IMPORTANT!!!! To understand a part, these arrows, «», with the italics in between is Willow's memory from the prologue, okay?)

Willow's POV

Paige lied limp in my bed. Her breathing was faint and she hardly stirred in her sleep. But I was happy. I wasn't happy that she was in poor condition, but that she was alive. She kept her promise all along. That she would find me.

I sat on the side of my bed, watching Paige. I didn't want to look away because I was afraid she'd disappear from my life again. She was my only friend that survived the attack.

Two hands placed themselves on my shoulders.

"Aviary is here," Riley whispered.

I nodded. We called Aviary so that she could help Paige. I was afraid that if we tended to Paige ourselves, we'd do something wrong and harm her. Maybe a witch could do something better.

I turned to Riley and gave a hopeful smile. Then I looked out the open door to the hallway and saw a smiling Aviary. I smiled back and nodded. She took that as a sign and walked in, making her way until she was right next to Paige's sleeping form. She smiled and looked at me and Riley.

"Oh yeah, I can fix her up with a simple potion. But I'll need one thing."

I stood up quickly, hope filling my body.

"W-what is it? I can go get it."

Aviary laughed. "I'll need an angelic herb."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Angelic herb?"

She nodded. "Oh yes. It's actually a flower found in the forest around the town. When it's mixed properly it can be used as a strengthening tonic." She said happily.

I nodded and turned to leave. "Okay, I'll be right back!"

Before I could exit my bedroom door, Riley quickly grasped my arm.

"Wait, we can have one of our gatherers find the flower. You should stay here, where it's safe."

I gave him a reassuring smile and easily slipped my arm from his grasp.

"It's fine Riley. I've been gathering for the past three years, I'll be fine. And what would I be safe from, bunnies?"

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he let it go and allowed me to leave. I gave a thankful smile before running out of my bedroom.

I ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and out the front door, greeted by the morning sunlight.

I saw some pack members walking up and down the street, but they didn't notice me. Seeing them though made me think of the previous event I was in, when I was only in my undergarments and a jacket.

I shook my head. It wouldn't happen again because once Riley, Paige, and I arrived home, I quickly threw on a white day dress with some white flats. I was in a "white" mood.

I ran into the street and began to run towards the forest. Surrounding pack members noticed me and bowed their heads. I waved to some, but was in a hurry. So I began to pick up speed.

The members soon became blurs as I passed by. I know I have never ran this fast before. I was running faster than the time I was chasing down Riley to stop him from hurting Paige. So faster than an hour ago.

I stopped running when I entered the forest.

The forest was a lot more beautiful than when I was arriving to the pack through it. It seemed more at peace.

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