Reviewing Possibilities

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3 December, Friday, 1:45 pm

I'd insisted on going to school like the brat I am and, now, I was regretting it.

Apparently, word had gotten out about my 'kidnapping' and so, people were convinced that I had to know the Dynamic Duo on a more personal level because they'd gotten there pretty fast and seemed to know me 'intimately'.

I mean, they did but that was besides the point.

The point was that now people would either whisper not-so-quietly every time I passed or straight up ask me. Which sucked because the entire point of any mission is to blend in and not draw too much attention to yourself and I'd done the exact opposite. Ace had called when he got the news and given us a good earful over how utterly incompetent and stupid we were. I knew running headfirst into a situation as delicate like we did was a bonehead move but Ace was pretty upset about it. Then again, we were his point of pride. No other intelligence organization, anywhere in the world, had ever managed to build a successful super team that were young and popular. Not to mention we'd do infiltration or separate missions so, we had quite the successful image.

Now that our powers were gone, Ace had lost his main upper hand. New plan, new layout, new game. He had to start from scratch.

If anyhing, East was worse. He wasn't mad. No, he was guilty. He was blaming himself for not being there when he should've been or some other bullshit. Noah and I had been constantly trying to reassure him but the stubborn brute nearly started crying when he saw the marks where the needles had peirced us.

I glared as a blonde sophmore not-so-discretely stared at me. Honestly, I was saved by superheroes. Not dropped by freaking TARDIS.

"It'll pass soon," Scott tried. I sighed and returned to picking at my food. "I really hope so."

Ryder patted my back empathetically. "Don't sweat it too much. All you have to do is wait till Damon dumps his current girlfriend and then you can melt back into the shadows like the spy you are," he said with an unnatural cheer. "I, for one, think he's gay and just hasn't come out of the closet yet about it," Sky inputed with a random thoughtfulness.

Ryder was apparently the tech genius who got rid of any compromising security footage, informed those two about attacks, gave locations, arranged interviews, etc. He'd also been immediately informed about our identities when the other two found out.

"Word on the table is that Elite suffered a huge loss at the hands of Cataclysm," Aiden began. "Word isn't wrong," I muttered. "What does Director Fury have to say about it?" Scott asked with a bored aloofness that was best associated with Geowater. Ever since the cat was brutally pulled out of the bag, we'd taken to merging both aspects of our personality together. It made everything easier when you weren't consciously trying to suppress yourself all the time.

As a result, Scott was ten times sassier than the nice-little-brother-whose-innocence-must-be-preserved Scott I'd known previously. It was easier to be around him now. Aiden became the laid back smartass who was completely done with people's stupidity but was pretty cool if you could hold an intelligent conversation. Sky decided to truly embrace her weirdness around them now and introduced them to her psychotic-leader-of-glory side. Noah'd finally given up on intimidation and resorted to just being the laid back brother I knew and didn't act like he was a girl on the second day of her period. Ollie honestly just remained the same except for the, sure to come, super speeding derping. Eve made sure to assert her dominance with her IQ points and the fact that she could twist their necks in less than 20 seconds flat, at any given time. Good luck deciding which one.

As for me. I gave up on trying not to get too close with their friendship and just decided to roll with it.

"Director Fury is sending back up to see if we can take down Cataclysm but apparently he's facing something back at base. Not overly sure what, but it'll be awhile before anything can be done about him," I informed them. "So, what now?" Sky asked. "For now, we hold off any more of those robot attacks and try not to lose our own powers," Aiden shrugged after making sure that no one heard. "Rub salt in the wound, why don't you?" Scott drawled. Aiden looked horrified for a millisecond before he sputtered about not meaning it that way.

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