Chapter 8

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This honestly isn't my best writing ever but meh. Anything to keep the story going! XD

Before we get on with it, I'd just like to confess... When I first started this story, my goals were to, firstly, spread some Bart Allen love, of course, but also to make y'all realize or maybe even learn a few things. Such as the importance of having a good friend, or how giving chances doesn't always end up badly. Or how individuality really is a trait unique to us humans, and you should treasure it, treasure your own person. Life isn't about changing yourself to get others to like, it's about feeling comfy in your skin and finding that one awesome person who accepts you as you are!

My biggest goal, however, was to just make you guys happy. I want this story to have a happy ending, I want this story to make you smile, giggle, blush... I just want to spread some happiness. And I hope I'm succeeding in doing so. Knowing that this story makes your day just brightens my life so much, you guys don't even know!

Thank you for being the most crash readers ever, and enjoy another chapter! ❤

Chapter 8

"(Y/N), what are you trying to find?"

Bart helplessly watched as you, bent over, searched through your room's overcrowded closet.

Finally straightening up, you sneezed light. "Sheesh, I should clean that place, there's so much dust in there!" You eagerly ruffled your clothes, wanting to rid them of said disturbance. Afterwards, you revealed, "I'm trying to find my painting stuff."

"Painting...?" Confused, the boy questioned, "Why would you find that in your closet?"

"Because I used to paint a lot." You shrugged, going back to digging through the disorganized piles of books and old school reports. "I'm sure it was somewhere here... Ha! Found it!"

You cheered excitedly as you withdrew some paintbrushes and half-empty paint bottles. Dusting off the old materials, you fretted, "Oh, I hope the paint didn't dry or I'll have to buy some new bottles..."

Once you had found some yellowed canvas, Bart curiously observed as you set up the place for a painting session. He would've helped you, but he wasn't quite sure of what you were doing... So, instead, he kept you company and tended to the questions that swam through his mind. "But, (Y/N), why did you paint?"

You glanced over at him affectionately. His obliviousness always seemed to bring a smile to your lips. "Because I liked it was fun."

"Fun..." Bart furrowed a brow, thinking hard. "Running's fun too, right...?" His eyes suddenly brightened as he grinned excitedly. "Eating's fun! I love eating!!"

You couldn't help but giggle quietly to yourself. Placing your hands on your hips, you replied, "Well, I guess it is, but when I said I liked painting, I meant it was my hobby, my pastime, y'know."

Bart pouted. "Can't eating be a hobby too?"

Geez could he be silly... Grinning, you shrugged, "Sure, sure, why not. But I didn't this stuff out just for fun."

You felt him eye you, interested in your intentions, as you grabbed two paintbrushes. You handed him one, earning a confused look from him. He carefully turned the object over in his hand and thumbed its feathery-like head a little before looking up at you, puzzled. "What is this?"

"This isn't modern enough for you, huh?" You laughed faintly before proudly revealing, "It was my grandma's paintbrush. The last ones were sold during her youth before technology took over completely."

He watched you intently as you swiftly unscrewed one of the paint bottles and carelessly dunked the tool into it. With a light smile, you faintly recalled the way your mother used to scold you for doing this. She had wanted you to spill a bit of paint onto paper instead of directly reaching into the bottle, claiming it was less messy, but you had never really bothered listening to her.

"When you have your paint, do this." You gently swiped the brush against the canvas, producing a lively streak of red.

Bart's gaze instantly lit up in wonder. "That's so crash!" He eagerly reached out and touched the paint. His eyes widened slightly as the liquid's wet, cold texture met his fingertips. Shocked, he quickly drew back and gawked at his now-crimson skin. "W-Woah!"

Giggling, you commented, "This is all so odd for you, huh? Well, you know Picasso, right?" When he nodded, you advised, "Well, this is what he used. But look, what about you it a try?" When he worriedly glanced down at his fingers, you softly smiled and assured him, "It doesn't matter if you get some on you, it's washable, and it won't hurt you."

Seeming a little comforted, he returned your smile. "Okay." You watched him hesitantly make his way over to the canvas you had prepared for him.

At first, he took it easy, carefully making slow, straight lines. However, before long, the energetic speedster you knew sprung back to life. Within five brief seconds, he transformed the canvas into an alluring, childish, and multi-coloured labyrinth.

As he turned toward you, beaming with pride, you acknowledged his front and his art's similarity. He had splattered the liquid all over himself, from his head to his toes!

You couldn't help but burst out laughing, earning a confused look from him. "What is it?"

"Y-You... L-Look like a rainbow-flavoured popsicle!" You managed to wheeze out between your laughter, struggling to wipe your eyes free of their tears.

Bart, with a raised brow, glanced downwards and then gasped. Flushing faintly, he mumbled, "...Oops?"

Finally getting your breath back, you heaved a few last giggles before shooting him a grin. "It's fine, really, just... Well, now, you know that painting isn't something to be rushed through, huh?"

He simply nodded, too embarrassed to really say anything.

Smiling faintly in amusement, you advised, "Really, don't worry about it. Anyway, the reason I want you to paint today is so you can better recognize and understand emotions."

"How is painting gonna help?" He finally spoke up, suspiciously arching a brow.

"We're gonna try to do a visual representation for each emotion." You grinned. "And to start off, we'll use the one you were feeling earlier, when you looked down at your shirt. Remember?"

"Yeah?" Bart uncertainly confirmed, unsure about where you were going with this.

"Why did you feel that way?"

"Well..." He frowned, concentrating as he gave it some thought. "Because... I felt like I had done something wrong when it should've been easy."

"Were you upset?" You queried. You knew he hadn't been, but you wanted to help him notice the alteration between the two emotions.

Shaking his head quickly, he replied, "No, it was different. This time, I... I felt like I wanted to hide, and... Uncomfortable?"

"Good!" You beamed brightly. "That emotion was embarrassment, Bart. Now," you beckoned toward his paintbrush. "I want you to paint embarrassment for me."

"Paint embarrassment?" He gave you an odd look. "How am I supposed to do that?"

Smiling faintly, you told him, "I can't say. Your challenge is to figure out yourself."

Your plan to have Bart paint emotions ended up being a success. He seemed to have found out how to do so at one point, judging the way he represented anger in red, sadness in blue and happiness in yellow. Throughout the day, you discussed about various feelings, and by the time the sun went to sleep, Bart had memorized them all.

You planned a simple day spent outside, walking through town, for tomorrow. Your free week with Bart was about to come to an end, so might as well make the best out of it...

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