Everybody can Waltz-I

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        "It wasn't too bad was it?"

        "Well it wasn't exactly pleasant but I guess it wasn't as bad as being stuck in a room with Lochlan would have been."

        "You've met him once, why do you hate him?"

        "I don't know. Why do you trust him? He's just some guy." I counter.

        "You were just some guy, too."

        "But why do you trust him?" I repeat.

        "There's a good answer to that question." Emmeline assures.

        "You gonna tell me what it is?"

        "Yes, as soon as I know what it is."

        We got off the train about an hour ago. Dindolcon was waiting for us to arrive at Penn Station, and as soon as we got here she shut off the sound of everything around us. It's a bit disturbing to watch people conversing with no sound or a woman walk across the room in heels and not hear a thing when you aren't used to being deaf. Emmeline and I can only hear each other.

        We sit inside, along the wall of the enormous station, reacclimating to solid ground. I have no idea where we're at, but I've already seen at least a thousand people pass us. I want to play for them. An amazing performance in a new place. But I don't think they can hear us. Emmeline was all-out yelling (thankfully in English) at some Demon who wouldn't stop trying to steal my hat ten minutes ago and no one even glanced at us.

        "But the Demon let you sleep right? And it didn't eat all your food? I know it was rude to you but it didn't—"

        "It's fine, Emmeline. I can take care of myself with the Demons as long as they're possessing you." I told Emmeline about the rudeness of the Demon that possessed her, and now I'm slightly regretting it as it's making her worry.

        "No, you can't." She shakes her head.

        "But I have," I point out.

        "Yes, you have."

        "So, I can."

        "Fine, you have and you could and you can but you can't and you won't because—"

        "I will." I cut her off.

        "Lochlan couldn't even—"

        "I'm not Lochlan."

        "Are we talking about me?"

        Speak of the devil. Lochlan's strutting toward us. Emmeline's immediately on her feet and hugging him. He's changed clothes. Emmeline and I are still dressed the same as we've been since the Waffle House. And I've found out no one else can see the blood on my shirt. Or the stitches on my forehead, because I cut them out. We spent the last day or so stuck in the little blue room because the Demon-or Emmy, as I called it- insisted upon only leaving when food was available, so changing clothes wasn't exactly an option for us.

        "Emmeline, I'll be right back. Please stay here." I stand and begin sliding through clusters of people toward a sign reading "restrooms."

        I trust Emmeline can take care of herself as long as she's distracted by Lochlan. I'd really love to at least try rinsing the old blood out of my shirt. It smells horrible.

        Just outside the doorway, feet shuffle up behind me.

        "I'd much rather follow you than wait for your return. Plus Lochlan says he has clothes for you! No more blood stains!" Emmeline's behind me, her chin on one of my shoulders and her hand on the other. She must be on her tip toes.

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