Rooms Number Eight-II

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        "How do you now that it's another language?" I'm asking the old man.

        "Well I don't suppose the little Duckies speak English. It only makes sense for you to speak the Ducky's language as well as English since they've spoken it to you all your life." Hans has decided to call the Demons Duckies.

        "But how could I not know I know another language? I don't find this at all believable." I cross my arms.

        "Because in your mind, they're not languages. They are accents aren't they? You know how to speak with a human accent when you talk to us and how to speak in the Ducky's accent when around the Duckies. But I'm guessing you mainly speak like the Duckies in your head, don't you? Because you know some of them can hear you in your head." Hans shares his theory, but I don't know how he could know these things.

        Several minutes ago I sat down and explained everything to him then let Dumaine briefly explained his life and we both took turns telling Hans everything that's happened since we met. Then I exploded with questions.

        "That actually makes a lot of sense." Dumaine likes Hans. I don't know why I don't. Actually I do know.

        "Where'd you come from?" I ask.

        "Germany! I left when I was eighteen... but I must admit there's a sizable gap in my memory."

        "How sizable?"

        "From the day I stepped on the ship to America to... well I don't know exactly... about four years ago? Yes, that sounds right. That would make about a fifty-year gap. Boy, I'm old."

        "I'm sorry, I think I may have heard you wrong, h-how many years can you not remember?" Dumaine's voice shakes but his face is frozen, eyes nearly popping out of his head.

        "Fifty years. There are fifty years you have absolutely no recollection of," I restate.

        "Well I remember certain little things. Like how I used to have long hair, and I was always the smartest but never very good at card games. And Joeni."

        "Who's Joeni?"

        "You know who Joeni is." He laughs as if he really believes I know who Joeni is. Both Dumaine and I stare until he's calmed down. Dumaine can't help but smile along with him. Hans wipes away a tear and sighs. He isn't going to answer this one.

        "Next question. How did you know they're not Demons?" I'm trying to speed up this conversation. I haven't been possessed once since arriving in New York and I bet this calm isn't going to last much longer.

        "Well I don't believe in Demons or Angels or any of that stuff, so—"

        "You're an old man and you're an atheist?" Dumaine looks like he was just plunged into freezing water.

        "Yes, I am. I wasn't always, but I have been since I could remember again. My gods are dancing and Dr. Seuss."

        "Dancing and Dr. Seuss?" Dumaine repeats. The Demons that followed us here are becoming restless.

        "Theodor Seuss Geisel." I explain. "Now please, answer this question with a straight yes or no. Are you going to help us?"

        "Yes, but I'm not sure what I'm helping you do." He smiles.

        "Helping me become a bit more human." I stand.

        His head tilts. "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

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