Bus Seats-III

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        Dumaine's turns red while his fingers play an invisible accordion. He's nervous about whatever he's about to say to my little sweet. And she can tell. She's sat up, pushed back her hair, and scanned her surroundings.

        "You know how last night I didn't sleep and I was on the floor and you were asleep and Amistifer was there and you wanted to hold my hand but you were holding Amistifer's when you went to bed, or well I guess you were kind of forced to sleep but anyway"—he catches his breath—"a bit after you fell asleep I tried to hold your hand, but like not in a creepy way, but I guess you wouldn't think that's creepy, but back to what I was saying, I guess I did hold your hand and it was okay for a second because the room was dark so it took me a moment to realize I could see someone next to you... and then... well it was your father, I thought, and then he opened his eyes and it was Amistifer for sure, exactly how you had described him with the light-up eyes and monochrome clothes and his nose and his skin and his lips and and and..." He can no longer find words.

        "Please." Emmeline's voice is deathly low. "Please tell me he did not hurt you."

        Dumaine's eyes shake, fear and worry combined. "No, yes, no, I don't think so really. Well it hurt but he didn't hurt me. It—he looked at me and I swear I didn't have any lungs. All of me just sort of started to... die. Then he looked away and I couldn't see but I-I don't know, I sensed a voice that said, well at least I think they said, 'Can you hear me?' Then it was gone and I guess I kinda did the same thing you did when you first met Illyvimsius. I just stayed there. For hours. And I didn't really breathe until you woke up. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't want to think about it and I'm sorry." Dear Dumaine is mentally exhausted.

        "This isn't your fault, well actually it is, but Amistifer, he is the one who did something he knows is wrong—"

        "Unless!" I butt in. "You must wonder if the Grinch could really see Dumaine. Were you tired, my dear? When he looked at you? And when he resumed his sleep, was it abruptly? Or a slow shutting of bored eyes?" I question. Emmeline's eyes grow as she catches on to my theory.

        Dumaine rubs his eyes like a stressed child. "I don't know. I don't think I was tired. I mean I should have been but I remember feeling pretty awake. Especially after I saw him. And I think he purposefully closed his eyes but I don't know, I was kind of having a sort of panic attack when it happened."

        "It's automatic!" Emmeline is bursting.

        "Why, yes it is!" I nod.

        "What is?"

        "Self defense mode! It takes over when you're frightened or tired!" Emmeline explains to our confused Dumaine.

        "That's brilliant! Instantly becoming unseeable when most vulnerable!" I clasp my hands together.

        Emmeline's head tilts. "But what sort of being would need to be hidden from the world when they—"

        "Oh! But you see, he's not hidden from you or I or Lochlan! Tell me, my dear, could your parents always see you? Even when you were sleepy or afraid?" I ask the boy.

        "...Yes?" I'm more sure of his answer than he is.

        "So your parents are whatever you are," I conclude.

        "I wish I'd met your father." Emmeline openly stares at him.

        "Wait, what?" He looks back and forth between us.

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