General Dindolcon's Plan

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*Words that are both underlined and italicized are meant to be striked through*


        "Then fix it." Dumaine encourages her. Emmeline steadies her breathing and takes in a nice chunk of air. I see Marvin K. Mooney, ready to lunge at her. I reach for the kitten, but I'm just an old man.

        "Marvin!" I'm shouting as she slips past my fingers. Emmeline's eyes fall closed just before Marvin K. dives into her. The lightest flinch twitches my sweet's body. Marvin K. is in control now.

        The breath flies out of her, creating toxic-looking swirls of pigmented air around us. And those bones. The skeletal thing that is Emmeline's is once again nudged out of her body. Marvin opens her eyes, smiles her lips, projects her voice.

        "Of course they don't belong to her. General Dindolcon is taking control." Green eyes blue eyes yellow eyes. Eyes that change color every second analyze Dumaine. Her hand grips onto my dear's thigh, slithering up his hip, chest, neck, face, and stopping at his hat. She swipes it from his head, placing it atop Emmeline's. Now magenta eyes are on me. Grin still plastered, I see her words more than I hear them.

        "See, Hans. Now I'm a cat in a hat... Oh, come on, I know you would have thought the same. You see, I don't want to ruin anyone's fun, but I also can't have you constantly spilling confidential secrets and I certainly wasn't going to let Emmeline lose this demented fear she has of you. She has to stay afraid for a few more days."

        "Why?" Dumaine's quick to question, his body rigid.

        "Well..." She moves both of Emmeline's hands to my dear's chest, slowly sliding them behind his neck as she climbs on top of the boy, straddling him on her knees. But Dumaine must have expected this. He doesn't flinch.

        "I have a plan," Marvin oozes Emmeline's voice, purples and greens swirling like food coloring in batter all around us. "It includes complete safety for Emmeline, Hans, Amistifer, Lochlan, myself, and"—she forces her hands into fists, grabbing onto the dreads at the nape of Dumaine's neck, and leans in, only an inch from his face—"you," she breathes.

        But I have a question. "What about Joeni?"

        I don't look at Emmeline's bones as her head is snapped in my direction. "Joeni isn't allowed to make it out alive." The JIBBOO's expression is cold. I'm not surprised.

        "What is your plan?" Dumaine's voice is steely.

        "I will only tell you once, so listen carefully. That means you, Hans." She kicks one leg out, landing it on my lap, and fully sits in Dumaine's, twisting his hair in her fingers. "The Reaper-Mother knows you're coming, and she's prepared. But she's shy. Enter her chambers and make sure not to speak out loud. Only pray to her. She will not be present, but she will hear you. If you do it correctly, Illyvimsius will arrive. DO NOT GET IN ILLYVIMSIUS'S WAY. This will be when you are most important, Dumaine. You're going to need to play the Reaper-Mother a song. It may be better if Hans and Emmeline leave the premises before you begin. As soon as you finish, you will need to leave without a single word. It may take a few days for the Reaper-Mother to answer your prayers, but, as long as you play her a song, she will. Ninety-eight and three-fourths percent guaranteed."

        I am surprised. I don't know which statements surprise me, but littered throughout her words are lies. It's strange, I can't pinpoint where. Very unusual.

        "How do you know?" Dumaine is still steady.

        "Same way you know stuff. I listen and learn. And I can read everyone's intentions. I'm the best at making plans. Why do you think I'm called General Dindolcon?"

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