Seeing You-III

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        "You've got great rhythm! Did I teach you that?"

        "My father did. One of the only things he taught me."

        "It shows. You seem to know when to move, but not how." Lochlan and I laugh as he bumps, for the third time, into the dresser. "But it's okay, this is quite a complicated string of steps, isn't it."

        "Thank you, but, you know, anyone else would think we're crazy," he tries again.

        "Why would that be?"

        "We're dancing some sort of jig with no music and you just complimented my rhythm." He laughs.

        "Well as long as we're crazy together!" I spin. He smiles such a brilliant grin. His eyes shine and his ears seem to stick out a bit more. He has pretty big ears. And I've noticed his hair isn't actually as dark as he makes it appear, but I won't say anything about it because I also know why he colors it.

        "Will you check on the others?" He doesn't stop but we both slow. It only takes second for the walls to clear away.

        "Oh. The Grinch is looking right at me! But I think he's saying he hates you, Lochlan. He almost likes me. Oh now he's talking too fast, I can't see what he's saying."

        Instead of frowning, Lochlan laughs as I look back at him. I smile and speed our dance back up.


        "What's this dance called again?" Lochlan asks, several minutes later.

        "I forget, but it's a fun one isn't it! So many steps to follow!"

        He laughs at me but doesn't stop. He's very good at whatever this dance is. I remember it's an old one. I've known it for ages. I must have learned it over in Germany because I recall performing it on a ship. There are words that go with it I think, but they're all in German. I can't remember how to speak German. I wish I did.

        Wait a minute.

        "Lochlan, don't look down but tell me what color your shirt is." I've stopped dancing.

        "It's—it's... I... don't remember..." His eyebrows scrunch and the light in his eyes disappears. He fights the urge to look down.

        "It's yellow now. And the blankets! They were cotton earlier, right? Now they're silky!" I look around the room to find what else has changed. "The walls were not textured before!"

        "Are you sure, Hans?"

        "Absolutely positutely! The same thing happened before in my kitchen and living room!"

        "Was that the first time it happened?" He's gone into investigative mode.

        "No, first it was early this morning, before dance. My cup and my fork kept tricking me! And look at that! The dresser had four drawers before!" I point at the now six-drawer dresser.

        "Check on Emmeline and Dumaine." He seems to be gathering things in his thoughts.

        I peer through the wall. "The Grinch's got Emmeline by her ankles!"

        Lochlan is out the door and I'm right behind him as he rushes from our room to theirs. The Grinch is dangling a shivering Emmeline. Her hand is still curled around Dumaine's, her shirt fortunately tucked into her pants. Dumaine's eyes scream for help, but the words Lochlan speaks make no difference. My turn.

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