It's Here!

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So awhile back I said I would be posting Translucent Mind's chapters onto Human Spines and after far to many days of procrastinating, it's finally here!

I will be taking down Translucent Mind's which means all votes and comments will be sucked into the colorless void of Goistaculk's thick oozing presence. Or it might just be deleted. Either way, it will be lost and I don't think anybody wants that, so I'd really appreciate if you commented and voted on chapters you liked again!

For anyone who missed Amistifer's more in depth explanation, I'll leave it here for you to read!


"Be seated and equip yourself to receive my revelation," Amistifer orders, looming several feet too high and even more too close. You can smell the fuchsia leather double breasted jacket wrapped perfectly around his frame. Or maybe... your mouth goes dry, remembering what had happened in the train station chapter. You attempt to swallow, hoping it's Amistifer's clothes that smell like fresh leather and not a massacre of unseen Demon bodies sprawled around you.

You sit, following Amistifer's orders, praying he didn't notice your slight step back as you sunk to the ground.

"It has been assigned to my consciousness that, though you have been waiting, this-" He makes a swirling gesture with long twisted fingers. "-is no longer in production."

"What?!" You jerk forward. What's he mean, 'no longer in production'? Does that mean Emmeline and Dumaine are over? We're just stuck at a gas station in Denver? And what about the 'missing' poster of Emmeline?

"Gahh!" Your concerns are cut short by the scalding palm of Amistifer pressed flat against the hollow of your throat. You shrink back but his grasp tightens, boney fingers begin to dig into your neck.

The thumping of your heart deepens as Amistifer's whisper flutters through your ears, leaving a long trail of goosebumps down your arms. "I advise you ruminate extensively before articulating your ensuing regards."

Your eyes dare to glance up at him, to tell him you understand, but no sound slips from your lips.

"Your assumptions are incorrect. My daughter and her ignoble companions' affairs are far from resolved. Their excursions are merely being relocated, or , reinstated, if I may, to their original abode under the nomen of Human Spines."

Wait. It may be the fever that seems to be spreading throughout your body from his touch but it seems like Amistifer means Translucent Minds' chapters are going to be added onto Human Spines. But doesn't that mean...?

"Yes, as you may suspect, with the extirpation of Translucent Minds' title, this ordains the loss of copious..." Amisifer grimaces at the use of such simple words, "votes, comments, and views."

Even while held captive by the vicious Demon, heart pumping, breath rattling, you can't help but feel a trickle of sympathy. You know how much those votes and comments mean to Emmeline and Hans, but most of all Dumaine. Hearing what others think about his life makes him feel a bit more sane, and even the guilt he feels when reading what they think about his more...dark instincts, helps him get through every day in Emmeline's unpredictable world. And to think, they could all be stripped away...

'It doesn't have to' you realize, eyes shifting between Amistifer's pink velvet shoes and your own hands, sweaty and trembling in your lap.

Amistifer lowers his face to your level, folding long limbs into a child's crouch. Though his eyes are closed for your sake you can sense the impatience within them. "Disgorge your suspicion." He demands.

You gather yourself, swallowing down any urge to scream and cower. "W-w-we could vote and comment again. It wouldn't b-be hard."

A silent moment drags on. Amistifer's chilling breath clouds you in peppery plumes. You feel your stomach begin to burn in what? Fear? Embarrassment? You try to lean away, to clear your head of his nauseating presence but he yanks you back in.

"It is ratified. You and your genus shall bolster my child's transferred ventures and I, concurrently, will requisition a festive anecdote for your consumption as indemnification." He whispers, his voice a dry hiss in your ear.

"An anecdote?" You manage.

"Correct. I was contemplating a tale inspirited by the season." The Translucent's lips unfurl into a wicked grin. Your eyes grow as his free hand slithers onto your jaw, up your cheek, and over your hair. It finally halts at the back of your head, pulling you in, closer to his sharp toothed smile.

With a last dragging breath, his eyes flash open and you are blinded, lost in hot white light with a single question echoing through you.

"What do you know of the Witch Eater?"

So that pretty much explains it (and was so fun to write!) Witch Eater is set in a completely different world from Emmeline and Dumaine's but with the same disturbing, eerie, thrilling feel! I hope you all check it out sometime!

Anyway, continue on to the next chapter to read Noticing Sickness, the first reinstated chapter of Human Spines! And as always, thank you so much for reading!

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