Realize (1)

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Here's the thing. I wrote this when I was 14 years old. Please don't expect it to be perfect. There will be spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. A lot of them. But I promise you, the plot is worth the read. However, if you still have issues with it and just want to have a smooth sail read, I recommend you to read: Mismatched Compatibility, A and D, or Cruel Me. I improved tons when I wrote those. :)


Maxine Ferguson's parents just got divorced.

She hated leaving her school, where she was popular among her schoolmates because of her angelic voice. She also had reddish brown hair and brown eyes.

As of the moment, her mother and her were currently loading their luggage onto the sleek black Mercedes Benz.

They had decided to move to the city where Natalie, her mother, grew up. Her mother was raised in the Upper East Side of New York City by her grandfather. And so, Maxine's grandfather offered to help them by offering them a place to say at his condominium in Fifth Avenue.

Like most teenagers that had to choose between their mother and father, Maxine chose her Mom. There was no certain bond between her and her Dad. He was always away.

Maxine could not understand why her Dad had to see other women.

Wasn't her Mom enough? Wasn't the love and care that her Mom gave her Dad enough? If her Dad could not even take care of their Mom, how could he even take care of her and Alex?

Although Maxine loved her father, she almost hated him. But remembering all the care her Dad had given her when she was still a little girl made that hatred go away. So she was just mad at him. Very mad.

She knew that someday, she would forgive him for doing that to her Mom. But that someday was not going to be tomorrow or any day soon.

Besides, Mom needs us more, thought Maxine.

"Is this really okay for you, sweetie?" Natalie asked Maxine, frowning slightly.

"Mom, I've told you a dozen times. It's fine," answered Maxine with a smile, as she pushed the last luggage in to the trunk of the car.

"Thanks." Natalie returned the smile. Then, she looked around as if she was searching for something and added, "By the way, where's your brother?"

"Pickaboo!" a little boy with the age of five surprised them from behind.

"You startled me, Alex!" exclaimed Natalie, clutching her chest.

Alexander grinned. Natalie was suddenly reminded of her now ex-husband. He looked exactly like his father, with the curly brown hair and especially with the big brown eyes.

"Are we ready to go, Maxine?" asked Natalie as she got in the driver's seat.

"Yeah," answered Maxine, when she finished putting the seat belt to Alex at the back, and settling herself beside her mother.

"Well, New York, here we come!" said Natalie gracefully with such cheerfulness in her voice. She started the engine and began to drive.

"Yeah, new world, here I come," sighed Maxine quietly and gloomily.

Maxine knew that she was not forced to go with her Mom. But she still agreed to come. She could not stand to be away from her mother.

Besides, she thought, new surroundings can't be that bad.

After a couple of hours, they finally arrived at Crystal Life Condominium.

It was twenty-one stories high. The building covered three thousand square meters in Fifth Avenue.

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