The dark Shadow

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Dark... It's so dark everywhere. Of course, it's night and not very light in the forest, but there's a dark presence. It crawled towards me... It was like in my darkest dreams... I thought I wouldn't survive. I tried to run away but the presence catched up to me, my try to run away was desperate. I heard the voice of the monster in my head. "Don't you want do dieee?", it asked whispering. "I saw that wish deep buried in your mind... didn't you even tryed it long ago?", the monster's voice echoed in my head. "Yes I did... but now I'm an different person! No matter what, I will withstand it!", I screamed towards the monster. "I know you are sad... and alone. Come on, just give in to me", the monster said quietly. "I guess you may be right...", my body became heavier with every second and my will to live faded. The monster took my face in its hands... looked at me, spread its mouth wide open... my eyes closed... "HOW COULD YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!", a clear voice shouted through the forest. Suddenly the monster dropped me to the ground. A little bit of my strength came back and I opened my eyes. What I saw next... Up to now I'm not sure. The monster, which stood next to me was dressed like an Egyptian, its skin was blood red and it was surrounded by pure darkness. The other one who shouted at it was dressed like the monster but he was surrounded by a light shine. His body looked brighter than the monster's... That's the last thing I remember. My eyes became really heavy and my mind faded away... in a good dream of safety and the past.

When I woke up, I was laying on a stone floor in something like a big hall. A person came to me. I could't know he would change my life forever, bring light in my darkest dreams. I saw a big jackal-headed person, radiated by a soft light...

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