Chapter 8

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"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Jackson asked me as he took a bite out of his breakfast

I shrugged my shoulders "I told you I was fine."

"Well I don't believe you," He said eating more of his breakfast.

"Well you should."

I was just pushing my breakfast around. I didn't feel like eating anymore.

"Your eyes were red and puffy this morning and your face had been swollen like you were crying all night," He continued.

"I was locked in a cell for most my life and I forgot what feelings were so sorry if I get a little emotion here and there," I said rudely.

He didn't say anything just kept eating his food and that's how the rest of breakfast went. Just complete silence.

My mind was a complete mess, I can't think straight anymore or nor did I ever.

I didn't know what my purpose to be here was.

What would I do if I won? Stay here and deal with my murderous uncle and delusional mother? Would I go out to the real world and suffer because I have no idea what it's like or how to live in my own?

I was trapped, I was completely trapped in this situation.

I keep hitting dead ends even when I think I came up with a solution.

At this point I just needed to come up with anything to get me out of here. Something other than going back in that cell.

"Are you ready to go Victoria?" Jackson said to me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded my head and we dumped our trashed and left the dining hall.

We walked back to the room in silence. I think he wanted to keep his thoughts to himself even though I knew he wanted to talk. He knew I didn't want too.

I felt bad that Jackson is in this mess with me, but then again there's nothing I can do about it now. We are both just as stuck.

We got back to the room and I noticed that Aiden was leaning on my door. He looked drained, that's entirely my fault.

We stayed in the training room for another hour just me sobbing and him holding me then I thought it was enough and I left suddenly, stupid me.

"Why is Aiden waiting by your door?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know," I said quietly.

Aiden turned his head and made eye contact with me, he gave me a tired smile, but I was still confused.

"Malady." He said giving me a slight bow and a sarcastic smirk

I rolled my eyes "what are you doing here?"

He shrugged his shoulders "I wanted to see if you were okay after last nights events." 

Why the fuck would he bring that up in front of Jackson

Jackson crossed his arms and looked at me, "so something did happen last night."

"Can you leave us alone for a bit?" I asked Jackson

"Seriously you are going to tell him and not me," Jackson exaggerated.

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