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What's this? *fake gasps* An update? Wow, Yvonne you are just too awesome *fan myself* .........but not as awesome as your readers though * stops fanning myself and gasp* what??

That was corny, I know. What can I say, I'm a corny girl (that sounds wrong)

Not to waste your time, giddy up to the story :-)


Chapter 5


We all stood up and ran to the direction which it came from, some students were already there. I look to the side and see Taylor crying and Tiffany consoling her. I start to wonder what happened but didn't have to wonder for long before some of her other friends ask her what was wrong.

She starts sobbing louder "It was a snake, it crawled right over my foot into that tiny bush, I hate this place". When she notices Hunter, she starts to sob louder than before and moves towards Hunter who was standing beside me.

"Baby, you will protect me right" she says while trying to snuggle into Hunter. An annoyed look crosses Hunter's face and he rolls his eyes at her dramatics. "You wouldn't let anything happen to me, my hero". I bite my tongue to keep from bursting into laughter.

"What happened here?" Mr. Fiddles asks as he approaches us with another teacher, Miss Rose. Miss Rose is the nicest teacher I've ever known.

"A snake crawled over Taylor's leg, do you hear that, a snake! A freaking snake!! Did you bring us out here to kill us or something? My skin feels like an old woman's, my nails are broken and there is no network here. What do you expect us to do here for a whole week, hunt fish and live like savages?" Stephanie screeches. Stephanie is the meanest girl in Gale high school and that's even a nice way to put it. The teachers have to tolerate her behavior because apparently, they get special favors from her mother.

"Stephanie!!" Miss Rose scolds. Interesting, it seems she is the only teacher who doesn't tolerate Stephanie's behavior.

"We're sorry Miss Stephanie, but that isn't possible, we've had this place checked by experts and they have confirmed that no harmful creatures live here." Mr. Fiddles says and then turns to one of the hired men

"Go and check that out" He says pointing to the little bush Taylor said the snake crawled into.

The men quickly scurry to check it out and after a while one of them shouted "found it". We all perk up to see what all the fuss was about only to see the man holding up a big caterpillar with a stick.

"See! I told you it was a very large snake. Don't bring that thing near me" Taylor screams and tries to hide behind Hunter but he avoids her.

This time I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst into laughter. Taylor and Stephanie send me a mean glare and I glare at them back. Realizing that this was a waste of time, my friends and I move back to our tree but Hunter and his friends follow us again. It was then that I noticed Dean, and as usual turn into a dork.

This time, Dean sits beside me and my heart goes into overdrive.

"Hi Daisy" He says then chuckles "This is the fourth time I've said that to you today" He says scratching the back of his neck. "So, what's up?" he asks trying to start a conversation.

I blink at him once, twice and then force out an awkward laugh and mumble "nothing, nothing's up". It's always been like this for me, I'm never able to talk like a normal confident girl in the presence of any boy I have a crush on.

Battle of the Heir and Heiress (Heir And Heiress #1) (COMPLETED) ✔Where stories live. Discover now