Well Fuck, This is awkward

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Guys!!! We have 1k reads!!! Is this really happening? Thank you all so much ^_^ Here's an update for you sweethearts :)



"Hello Hunter" The Eve chick says smiling coyly and taking her time to shake my hands.

I'm not stupid; I know when a chick is blatantly flirting with me and I normally would flirt back but I can't help but notice everything that was too little and too much about her. Like how her hair is too long, not the perfect length like Daisy's, how she's not as tall as Daisy, How her hair is not blonde like Daisy, How she doesn't smell of citrus like Daisy, In conclusion, she just isn't Daisy.

She turns to Daisy with a barely noticeable smirk on her face.

"Hi Daisy, It's a pleasure to see you again" She says extending her hands for a shake.

Huh? What does she mean by again?

Do they know each other?

I glance at Daisy to see her face in shock like she has just seen a ghost. She quickly recovers and tries to smile but fails and then take Eve's hand shake offer.

"I'm confused. What do you mean by again? Have you guys met before?" Kyle (who I hate) asks as confused as everyone.

Eve lets out a laugh that would have normally seemed attractive to me but just sounds so practiced and fake not like Daisy's beautiful laughter.

Damn it! Why am I comparing everything about her to Daisy?

Not only her, I've been comparing all the girls who have tried to flirt with me so far with Daisy and all of them have come up short.

"Oh silly me, did I say again? I meant to say finally. Kyle has been talking my ears off all morning about you" She corrects herself her eyes never leaving Daisy's.

"No, I wasn't" Kyle defends.

It better be true. He has no business thinking or even talking about Daisy. I don't even want to analyze why I'm suddenly feeling so possessive about Daisy.

"Oh okay then, sexy meeting you Eve" Blake says winking at her and she giggles "But we all have to go have fun while we still can, let's go guys" He adds.

"Ughh" Bloom grunts in anger and storms off making Chloe go after her with Daisy dragging behind her still looking like she would collapse any moment from now.

What's up with Bloom?

Eve waves goodbye and goes to join some girls I assume are her friends.

"How come we don't see you and Eve around school" Dean haughtily asks looking like he wants to punch Kyle.

"We just got here a few months ago and we like to keep a low profile. Besides I don't come to school that often, I'm always on business trips" He answers shrugging.

"But damn, I'd tap that any day" Daniel says staring at Eve making the guys nod.

"Yeah, but I'd tap them harder if I have the chance" Mark says nodding in Daisy and her friends direction. I turn to send a glare at him but he just smirks.

"Definitely" Tyler replies making me turn my glare to him instead and they both chuckle like they were just messing with me.

"Dude, that's disgusting. That's my cousin you're talking about and my friends" Kyle utters looking both of them up and down with a disapproving look on his face.

"Hate to agree with Josh here but you shouldn't talk about women like that" I say intentionally forgetting his name.

"Relax, we were just messing with you al...." Mark starts to say.

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