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Hey guys (:
I published a chapter yesterday but people were unable to read or vote so I republished it. Please if you haven't read it, go read it now before reading this one and if you were unable to vote yesterday, please help me by trying to go back and vote. Thank you all very much. Love you guys 💖💖💖


Confusion takes over me for a second before my fear takes back the control.

"Goodbye messages?" I ask while my back hits the wall and I become trapped.

"Yes, goodbye messages. As you know, nothing can ever really get to your father not even his business failing except the one thing he cherishes the most, you. As much as I would enjoy destroying you because you were the reason Elena died, I would prefer destroying the person who took her away from me in the first place" he pauses in front of me and I try my best to not hyperventilate.

"Since you're your father's Achilles heel, I will take you away from him so he can know the pain of having something he loves so much gone. I won't kill you....yet. I'll make him watch you slowly suffer and the fact that you're still alive but he can't find you will eat at him till he realizes he has nothing more to live for just like he made me feel when he took Elena from me" He says his voice taking on a dangerous edge towards the end of his words.

"But you have your daughter, is she not enough for you? Is she not worth living for? And my mother chose my father because she loved him. I mean who would ever want to be with a sick, demented, selfish loon like yo...." My head snaps to the side with the force of Levi's slap successfully halting my sudden courage to voice my opinion.

"It will give me so much pleasure to rip your skin off bit by bit after your father is dead" He growls out grabbing me by my hair.

He shoves a sheet of paper and a pen in my chest.

"Now start writing what I say and don't try to act smart, it won't bode well for the little girl" He utters and I nod.

"How do I know you'll release her if I follow you quietly?" I ask not trusting his words one bit.

He laughs. The kind of laugh that tells you you don't have a choice in the matter.

"Whether you decide to follow me or not, you're still coming with me. Let's not make this anymore messy" he states.

"No, give me your words" I insist stubbornly because I need to ensure Lily's safety. Not that I trust his words but I need to have an assurance. Any kind of assurance, even if it's in the form of his words.

"Well, I tried to do this the easy way. Please go ahead" he directs the first sentence to me and the second one to something on the other side if the room.

I move my gaze there to see the person lurking in the shadow was....Miss Violet?

She walks up to me and I hug her but something doesn't feel right.

"Miss Violet, where's dad? I can't believe I didn't see you here all along. What is the leverage he's using to hold you down?" I ask worried and partially happy to see someone familiar in all of this.

"He's not holding me down, Daisy" she says and I lift my head from her shoulder to give her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I question her again.

"I'm so sorry for this Daisy" She says.

"Sorry for what?" I ask finding it hard to understand anything.

Just as the question escapes my mouth, I feel a piercing pain in my neck and everything starts to blur and it finally dawns on me that Miss. Violet was betraying me.

"Why?" I manage to choke out before everything goes black.

I can't believe that this is happening to me again.

I check my wrist watch for the time and then recheck my phone's time. It's been 3 hours since I dropped Daisy off at her place so she can talk to her father and then both head over to my father's office.

When I got to my father's office three hours ago, I met her father there so I can't think of anything holding her up since her dad was already here unless......

No, it's impossible.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when I left her.

I look at the entrance again hoping she'd appear but I've been in the lobby for the past hour and half. I've tried her number but it was switched off.
She has had her phone switched it off since she came to class in the morning.

"I've had enough of waiting" I mutter under my breath standing up to go get her.

On my way there, my phone rings and I hastily answer praying it's Daisy. I'm surprised when I hear my mom's sobbing voice on the phone.

"Mom, what happened? Why are you crying?" I ask worried.

"It's Lily, she went missing in her school for a couple of hours in her school and then she was found unconscious in front of our home" she replies sobbing harder.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"We're at home. Our family doctor is checking up on her" she answers and I turn around heading for home.

When I get home, I run up to Lily's room and my mother comes to hug me as soon as she spots me.

I notice my father and Daisy's dad standing on the other side of the bed. My gaze finally moves to my baby sister lying helpless on the bed still unconscious and my fists clench in fury.

The bastard who did this will pay, whoever he or she is.

"What did the doctor say?" I ask no one in particular.

"She was just sedated, it's nothing major but she's yet to wake u...." Mom's voice was cut off by Lily's scratchy voice.

We all rush to her side while she tries to pry her eyes open. When she finally succeeds and sees us, she starts struggling to say something but we can't hear her.

"Baby calm down. You have to rest now, you can tell us whatever you want later" my mother pacifies her but Lily keeps murmuring intelligible words.

"Princess, please listen to your mother..." Dad starts to say before Lily's words cut him off and freeze everyone.

"They've g-g-got"


Wow, who is the person who wrote this story??? She truly is wicked!!!

So now Levi's got Daisy!!

And what do you all think of Mrs. Violet???

Please support me as an author by voting, commenting and sharing. Stay awesome guys, I love you 💖💖💖

                       Love, Yvonne.

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