Camp is over?

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Hi guys! I'm still alive. I'm sorry for disappearing for the past few days, I was down with flu :) But to make up for lost time, this is gonna be a triple chapter update :)

P.S: 1.53k reads and 333 votes!!! Thanks a lot guys ^_^



Hunter sighs tiredly and runs his hand over his face. He thenstarts to follow Tiffany but then turns back as if he forgot something only todrag me after him by my arm.  Our friends follow automatically exchanging knowing looks.

What have they all been up to?

My eyes widen when we get to the scene and I find myself questioning Taylor's mental health.

"It's over!!! I don't have anything to live for anymore. He doesn't want me and it's all because of that slut. What has he asked for that I didn't give to hi...........don't you dare come near me!" Taylor pauses her sob story to warn off people that were trying to approach her and collect the knife that she was currently holding to her throat.

Her eyes find Hunter who looked equal parts scared for her and also annoyed as hell. Slowly, her gaze moves down and narrows on where Hunter was still holding me by my wrist and I immediately make a move to snatch my hand away from Hunter's. I don't want to be responsible for a person's harm and that too based on a lie.

Hunter doesn't allow me to take my hand away from his though,instead he holds it tighter.

What is he doing?

Doesn't he see that she's not acting like she's in her right senses?

Taylor presses the knife closer to her throat and I scream for her to stop in panic. This all seems like a very badly written soap opera.I mean what kind of person threatens people with her own life just because a guy doesn't like you?

Hunter also tenses beside me, and I know that no matter when or what he and Taylor had had before, he cared for her and he still might now.

I try again to snatch my hand out of his grip and he lets goof me this time. He then walks forward slowly and cautiously.

"Taylor, you don't want to do this" he says pacifyingly as if he was talking to a child.

"Don't come near me Hunter! Or I swear I'll cut myself" She replies pressing the knife extremely close to her throat while tears fall uncontrollably on her face.

"Taylor, think about your family, your friends, your......."Hunter says again in the same tone.

"Say it's me you love Hunter, j-just please s-say it" She interrupts Hunter sobbing her eyes out.

"Taylor...." Hunter drawls out frustrated.

"You have to say it, I need to hear it come from you" She says while Hunter continues moving towards her guardedly.

Hunter tentatively reaches where she was standing and snatches the knife away from her. She doesn't even seem to mind and she jumps into his arms making Hunter wrap his hands around her waist.

She buries her face into his chest sobbing loud while Hunter holds her. She lifts her face up from his chest and Hunter lifts one of his hands to wipe the tears from her cheek.

Why does that seem so intimate?

And even more why do I feel like someone is currently my chest with a knife and twisting it?

He brings back down his hand from her face and she stares at him as if she can't really believe he was there.

"Only me always Hunter, Only me" She mumbles before she crashes her lips to Hunter's.

Battle of the Heir and Heiress (Heir And Heiress #1) (COMPLETED) ✔Where stories live. Discover now