What the hell is it now

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I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. My laptop broke down and I was stranded.
I don't know if anyone is still reading this story but here's an update for those of you who are :)
I freeze in my steps as the words Taylor just said kept ringing in my head.

I love you.

I've always did.

I turn to face her and I see all my friends and Daisy's friends staring at Taylor in shock. I move my gaze to Taylor's face and for once since we've started high school, I see a hint of the old Taylor peeking through. That still does not assuage the shock her words have coursed through me though.

She loves me? 

Taylor loves me?

Why would she love me? I've never done anything to encourage her to love me. In fact, I've never done anything to encourage anyone to have feelings for me. As much as I sleep around, I can't hurt a girl like that. All the girls I sleep with know the deal.

And what does she mean by she always has?

"Taylor I don't......." I start to say but she cuts me off.

"Hunter, please listen to me, I've always loved you since we were small but then......." She pauses to sniff.

"But then, we got to the age where you started to notice girls and I thought that maybe......maybe you'd finally see me as a girl but you didn't see me more than a sister. I started to distance myself away from you because I couldn't bear seeing you with other girls." She pauses again choking on her sob and making me feel like the scum of the earth for turning a girl into this kind of mess even if that girl is Taylor.

"I began to notice the kind of girls you gravitate towards and I thought that maybe you would notice me if I began to dress and act like them. It worked, of course it worked" she gives out a maniacal sounding chuckle.

"Just not the way I thought it would, but beggars can't be choosers right? So I decided to take what I could get, hoping it would develop into something more. And it was slowly happening, I could feel you falling back in love with me." She continues and I involuntarily let out a snort of disbelief at her last statement.

"Untill that bitch came along" she says pointing to the direction of the tent where Daisy was sleeping.Every single hint of remorse I was feeling dissipates and I find myself wishing this drama to be over so I can go back into the tent to hold Daisy while she sleeps and protect her from everything.

Can I get anymore mushy today?

"So you see Hunter, you can't leave me for her. I won't allow you. We belong together and you'd see that if only you could open your eyes and see that bitch for the lying, decieving, cunning, slutty bitch that she really is, and then you'd.........."

"SHUT UP!!!" I say quietly my blood boiling in rage from all the cheap insults she was directing at Daisy.

"But it's true, she's brainwashed you with her pretentious looks. Tell me, is she that good in bed or what does she have that I don't. I.........." She continues ignoring my warning.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" I yell my body vibrating with anger and she flinches back.

"He didn't make you like this, you made yourself this way" a beautiful yet fierce voice says beside me and I turn my head to meet the sparkling blue eyes belonging to Daisy.

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