I like you

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Hey guys!!! Here's an update for you all, enjoy!😊

And thank you so much for 3.89k reads and 651 votes, it's like a dream. I love you all!!!😍


"It's not what it looks like!" I screech.

He turns his mocking gaze to me
"Oh, tell me exactly what is going on then?" He asks chuckling bitterly.

"He was just helping me out" I answer hurriedly having a strange urge to clear the misunderstanding. I'm not supposed to care that Hunter thinks I was about to kiss another guy but I do and I'm desperate for him to understand.

"Helping you do what? Clean your mouth with his?" He questions sneering and making a move to attack Dean again. I immediately jump between them successfully halting him in his steps.

"What? No, he was helping me with my eyes" I explain hoping to clarify everything.

"Because your eyes are just so dreamy he couldn't help but stare" He replies sarcastically and I feel my frustration starting to flare at his rudeness. We aren't even really together for heaven's sake!

"I told you...." I start to say before he cuts me off rudely.

"You know what?! I'm done with this feelings shit and stuff. Thanks for reminding me why I never bothered being interested in a girl before." He says and I gasp, now he's just being a plain jerk.

"And you..." He turns in Dean's direction who haven't spoken a word since this drama started.

"I thought you were a brother, I should have known it's gonna be like this because knowing you, you have trouble keeping your hands off things you know belongs to others" He snaps harshly at Dean and Dean sucks in a breath hinting at the fact that Hunter has touched a nerve, maybe something that happened in his past.

As soon as Hunter finishes spitting his words, he storms off and a part of me wants to run after him and tell him he's got it all wrong but the more reasonable part knew I should stay with Dean who just took a punch from his best friend all because he was trying to help me.

I turn to Dean and find his eyes clouded in pain from Hunter's words and him holding his jaw to lessen the hurt of Hunter's punch. When he notices my stare, he quickly composes himself.

"Well, that hurt like a bitch" he says in an attempt to inject some humor into the situation I didn't find funny at all.

How did a day that started so good turn out to be so sour?

" How is your jaw? I'm really sorry for causing a fight between you and Hunter, I don't know what's gotten into him, he's been acting weird lately" I apologize inspecting his jaw.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll talk it out with him, he's my best friend remember? I know him like the back of my hand. And I don't blame him for doing that, I would have done the same" he says coolly.

We finally realize that we were late and we go to our separate classes. Luckily, I don't get detention for being late because the teacher was feeling merciful on the first day but I was properly warned for the incident not to repeat itself.

Hunter doesn't attend Spanish class and I swallow the disappointment I feel at his absence.

He was behaving like someone that was .............jealous.

My heart soars at the idea of Hunter liking me like that but I quickly kill the hope that's only going to lead me down the pathway to heartbreak.

Where is he?

Battle of the Heir and Heiress (Heir And Heiress #1) (COMPLETED) ✔Where stories live. Discover now