Be mine

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Hey guys, I'm still on hiatus but since the service is particularly good tonight, I thought 'why not update?'

I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for this long 😢



I'm literally floating right now as I walk down the hallways toward my first class. My friends have different first periods which sucks but nothing can possibly bring me down from my high. I'm high on happiness, I'm high on affection, I'm high on love and the best thing is I'm high on Hunter.

'I love you so damn much Daisy'

'I love you so damn much Daisy'

'I love you so damn much Daisy'

I resist the urge to squeal as  those words play in my head. The scene from yesterday night keep repeating itself in my head and my head spins with elation. I'm aware that I'm grinning foolishly but I couldn't care less.

****Yesterday's night

"I love you so damn much Daisy" Hunter growls out lowly.

My heart skips wildly in shock and my I discretely shake my head to see if this is really happening. Maybe I'm dreaming and fate the bitch has decided to.......

"Fuck Daisy, I don't know what you've done to me. You've got me wrapped around your cute little fingers and then wrapped a tape around it so I can't escape" he stops to lift my hands and then he proceeds to place tiny kisses on the tip of each of my fingers.

"Now that I look back to all those times you and I fought, I'm repulsed but most of all, I regret every single thing I've done or said to hurt you. I wish I'd taken all that time that I'd wasted just because I couldn't comprehend the fact that a girl - a very beautiful one at that- didn't want me, to see how special you are" He looked genuinely disgusted by his past actions but I was not that innocent back then either, I provoked him at every chance I could get.

"I'm grateful for the camp and the rooming arrangement even though that was manipulated by our parents. Now I feel like you're the center of my fucking existence. When you smile at me, I feel like I can rule the world, you light up my world with just one smile. I'm not good in expressing my feelings and shit but you bring out the best in me and I want to be your best. When you look at me like I'm your safe place, I really believe that I'm the best person in the world. You're perfect and the thought of any other man touching you and kissing you the way that I do makes me want to murder someone. You're mine, no one else's. I want to do everything right with you, I want to be with you not because we have to be engaged and I want you to be with me not because you have to but because you want to. Not once in my life have I imagined saying these words to any girl but like I said, I'm a whole new different person with you. So Daisy Heart, will you be my girlfriend?" He finishes while holding my palm against his chest so I feel how wild his heart is beating.

Every single pore in my body is tingling from his closeness and his words. I spontaneously bring his head down to mine for a kiss trying to make him feel how his words had made me feel.

"I love you too Hunter and YES, I will be your girlfriend" I breath our with a wide smile and he captures my lips for another kiss.

"Go out on a date with me" he states and I nod before he kisses me again.

I break it when I feel laughter bubble inside me. He stares at me clearly amused.

"What's so funny?" He asks his eyes taking on a playful glint.

"It's just, everything is in reverse with us. Normally we're supposed to go on a date first and then you ask me to be your girlfriend before we become engaged but it's the opposite here" I respond.

He chuckles and lies down before pulling me into his arms.

"We're not exactly normal, are we? And I wouldn't have it any other way" he says placing a kiss on my forehead an burying his head in my hair and inhales.

"Me too" I answer dazed.

We fall asleep spooning and at one point in the night he draws me completely to him that I was practically lying on top of him.

And I've got to say I slept better on his hard body than on any soft mattress I've ever slept on before.

In the morning, the guys go home to get ready for school while Chloe and I just borrow Bloom's clothes.

My friends tease me about my goofy smile all the way to school and then we separated because of our classes.

The tardy bell rings and the hallway starts to clear. I haven't seen Hunter since I've gotten to school and I can't wait to get to class since we have the same period together.

Hunter; my boyfriend and fiance.

I test the words out in my head and grin stupidly at how much I love it.

A hand suddenly draws me into an empty classroom and closes the door. I start to panic and when I see who pulled me in, my panic increases.

"Eve" I state blankly trying not to let her see how her presence was bringing out old fears.

"Congratulations on your engagement Daisy. I've got to say, you move fast, you move very fast. You seem to like breaking other families and then trying to increase yours in number. Anyways, I just wanted to show how happy I am for you, so here's your engagement gift" She shoves a huge brown envelope in my arms and before I can protest, she struts out and closes the door behind her.

I decide not to open it and throw it away but just as I'm about to to that, I change my mind and open it.

My fingers tighten around the pictures in my hand. I look at them one after the other and tears well up in my eyes.

I can't believe this.


Mwahahahaha 😂😂😂

I know what you're all thinking  "she's been gone for so long and she leaves us on a cliffhanger??!!'

Yes  I did 😂 I wouldn't be me if I didn't.

So what do you think is in the envelope????

Please support me by voting and commenting. Peace out

Love, Yvonne 💜💜💜

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