Why me?

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Hello there you awesome sweethearts.
I had originally planned to update tomorrow but then I checked my profile and saw that this story was at 1.8k reads and then I went to sleep.
To cut the long story short, I woke up and saw that I had 2k reads and 397 votes!!! Like seriously, where did this come from?! ( I sure am not complaining :D) Thank you so much guys, you've made my day :D
I dedicate this chapter to all of you for not giving up on me even after I disappeared for weeks. You're all awesome ^_^
Of all the people in the world, it just had to be him.
Why am I surprised? I've always known fate had a personal vendetta against me. She's always been content to ruin my life just for her own amusement.
I pick up my fork and turn my head to the approaching figure to see whether I had imagined him or if I needed glasses.

Unfortunately, the figure didn't disappear or change, he kept approaching not looking up from his phone.

I don't think he has noticed me yet.

There he stood in all his glory, Hunter Stone.

I haven't met anyone with as much rotten luck as mine. I had planned to avoid him for the few remaining months that remained for us in High school. Even though I doubt that would be possible with the growing friendship between his friends and my friends.
He looked up from his phone and froze in his steps for a few seconds; myriads of emotions passing through his face in the blink of an eye: shock, surprise, a little softness and then anger.

Why would he be angry? Does it look like I'm happy about the stupid arrangement?
He resumes his steps and greets my father politely before he settles down in the only vacant seat close to where everyone was seated in the long dining table and fate being the bitch she was, makes that seat to be the one beside me. Talk about awkward.

What do you do around a guy you kissed and ran away from?

Oh yeah right, pretend he isn't there.

Except that isn't as easy as it sounds because his cologne; not too strong and not overused, was wafting into my nose and with the way he was sitting, I could feel the heat from his body.

Keep laughing fate, one day I'll get back at you.

His father clears his throat and then starts a conversation with my father and his mother as the food is being served on our plates.
Hunter's leg suddenly touch mine and I jolt then turn to him only to see that he was answering a question my father asked him looking totally unaware about the fact that he's sending my heart into overdrive.

I examine his face and see that he looked good more than ever. With his hazel eyes, long eyelashes, defined jaw and face, I find it impossible to drag my gaze away. My eyes trail down to his lips: the lips that had given me the first and best kiss I've ever had. I suddenly had the urge to climb into his lap and continue what we were doing in the tent but I knew better.

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