What the fuck is going on here?

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Surprise!!! Another update!!! Enjoy :D


Everyone goes silent for a few seconds excluding some gasps before everything and everywhere goes hay wire.

All these are just mere back ground noises though when Hunter's lips are on mine. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back like someone who has been starved of her favorite food for long. He groans into the kiss and then softly bites my lower lip making me moan and providing his tongue the entrance needed into my mouth. He pushes his tongue inside my mouth and I don't even bother to try and control the kiss, I just let him lead.

Eventually the need for air wins out and we both reluctantly break apart only to see the whole school staring; some even taking pictures and videos. I immediately feel all the blood rushing to my cheek at what just happened, I've never really seen the appeal in PDA but with Hunter, I just seem to forget everything.

And why did he kiss me like that?

Was it just to make the engagement that'll be announced tonight look more real?

Stop over thinking things and face the current problem on ground.

Hunter wraps his arm around my waist and we start to make our way towards the school entrance. I was too distracted by Hunter's closeness to bother with the people openly gaping at us.

After collecting our schedules together, I soon spot my friends and his friends together and we head for their direction.

"If not for the fact that I believe my head has been damaged when I hit my head on the door this morning, I could have sworn I saw you guys come together this morning and then proceeded to make out by the car" Bloom blurts out rubbing her head and everyone shoots her concerned looks before turning back to face Hunter and I.

"I don't think your head was damaged, because we saw the same freaking thing and we didn't hit our heads. I think an explanation might come in handy right now" Daniel says and the others nod in agreement.

I start to brain storm for what to say and which excuse to give when Hunter gives everything away.

"We're engaged" He reveals and the shock on our friends faces would have been funny if not for the situation we were currently in.

"I didn't even know you were dating, and engagement? Dude, you're fucking 18!" Blake exclaims probably scared at the thought of making such a commitment.

"Remember what I told you guys yesterday? She's the one" He says and all his friends nod in understanding except Dean who hasn't said anything.

We hear throats being cleared and we turn to see Bloom and Chloe tapping their feet in impatience and curiosity.

"You know it's rude to just leave people out of conversations. Well, get on with it, I'm so lost, where did the engagement come from? You weren't even dating in the first place!" She asks, she and Bloom glaring at me all the way.

I use my eyes and tell them that I'll fill them in later and they tell me with theirs that I better or there'd be consequences. Yeah, we could communicate through our eyes, how cool is that?

"How do girls do that? The eye communication thing and all, they just had a whole conversation and we have no idea about it. They could be plotting our assassination, and people wonder why there are so many criminals in the world" Daniel voices shaking his head but obviously impressed making Tyler hit him on his head.

"Back to the current situation, so are you guys for real or all that was just for show because of the......." Mark trails off moving his eyes between Hunter and I.

Battle of the Heir and Heiress (Heir And Heiress #1) (COMPLETED) ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin