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I couldn't believe dad really kicked us out.Not knowing if we were going to make it out alive or not he just told us to get out.

We could be dead right now and he most likely wouldn't care he probably wouldn't even know .

Why?Because he to busy with that bitch up his sleeve.She gone steal all his fucking money and he gone look fucking dumb and I ain't gone say shit because that's what he get.

I was fine with forgiving  him until he stared talking bout are mom like that then he gone take that bitch side after she yell at us like it's her house.

First off bitch it ain't your house at fucking all you can cut that shit out.Hell it's barely even our dads house.

I looked out the window to see us going into an unknown yard.

"Crystal who house is this ?"


I nodded and sat back.We drove up the drive way and parked.I actually liked Jacobs house it was big like an mansion.

We got out the car and got our bags then walked up to his door.

We rung it a couple times and Jacob opened the door.

"Wassup Crystal and India?"he asked confused he was standing at the door shirtless with his pants hanging low you could see his v line.

"Can we stay here for a couple days till we get in our feet?"Crystal asked him.

"Yea sure."he say nodding and stepping to the side to let us in.

We walked in the house and looked around I was amazed it was beautiful.Crystal didn't look like that because she already been in his house before.

Jacob showed us our rooms up stairs.

I had one to myself and Crystal and Jacob shared a room.

I didn't unpack my stuff cause something told me not to.

I drove up Jacobs drive way to see a unknown car in his drive way.

I parked beside it and got out.

I walked up the steps then knocked on the door.

Couple seconds later Jacob came to the door.

"Wassup man?"he said and dapped me up as I walked in.

"Not shiid just stressing."

He nodded.

We walked in the living room to see Crystal on the couch staring into space.Look likes she been crying.

"Aye Wassup Crystal?"I said

She turned around and looked at me.

"Not shiid just stressing."she said

I laughed because I said the same thing just a minute ago.

Crystal got up off the couch and walked upstairs.

"Aye what's wrong with her man?"I asked Crystal seemed down she always the funny and happy person between her and India.Speaking of India where she at?

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