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"Wanna hold him?"I asked Lucas as he sat watching me rock him.

"Yeah,sure."he said

I slowly handed the baby over to him.

He held him just like I held him.

"As both my baby's.!"I squealed and laughed as Lucas rolled his eyes.

I took my phone out and snapped a picture.

"Really India?"Lucas said and mugged me.

"Yeah really Lucas."I said and rolled my eyes going to Instagram and posting the picture.

Lucas laid down with the baby on his chest.

"Aw."I said and snapped another picture.

"I actually like lil dude."Lucas said and sat up after laying the baby on the bed.

"You do?"I asked surprised Lucas don't like nobody.

"Yeah,so don't push it."

"Whatever."I rolled my eyes and laid next to him.

I love my little brother already.

Couple minutes later we were at Lucas house.

Lucas surprisingly asked can he take Brandon with us and my mom said yes then gave me that look.

I just laughed and shook my head.

Soooo,right now Lucas is up in the room playing with Brandon.


"Y-yes."Brandon hiccuped and he sat on my stomach with his bottle.

"So you do like your sister."I said and nodded my head.

"Y-yes I wove,uh,Cwystal and India,and Cwystal a-and Y-you."

He said hiccuping.

"Ight little man let's go get you something to drink for your hiccups."

He just wobbled over to me.I crouch down and grabbed his hand walking down the steps.

I had to pick  him up after a few because my back stared hurting from crouching down and he kept tripping over his feet.

I got to the kitchen and sat him on the counter.

"How old are you?"I asked him as I took his bottle outing the juice out and putting in some water.

"1-1"he said and took his sippy cup drinking the water.

"Oh well I'm 20."I said and picked him up carrying him to the living room.

I saw India on the couch asleep.

I sat down in the chair and put Brandon on my lap.

"Wanna play football?"I looked at him.

He was my little man.

I loved him already like he was my child.

He nodded as I carried him outside.

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