Galra Heir

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Keith and Allura sat rigid in the suffocating silence, their shallowed breaths filling the void. The Altean princess's mind was shooting off in so many directions Allura was unable to stay on one thought for too long. Keith had just confessed everything to her, from the Blade of Marmora trials to the visions he was currently being exposed to. How, if the dreams were accurate, then Nara was his mother and Zarkon was, in fact, his grandfather. Keith made it clear that he would never swear allegiance to Zarkon and his loyalty was to the Allura and Allura alone. Keith watched the princess as she stared at him, knowing that in fact, she was looking right through him. It was a lot of information to take in and the paladin intertwined their fingers giving Allura a small squeeze in both reassurance and question.


"Perhaps we could use this to our advantage." Allura suddenly spoke. As much as the Altean wanted what she heard not to be true, she couldn't change the fact that Keith was Galra royalty. Changing her train of thought to what she was good at, her mind turned to politics and knew they could use Keith's heritage in the long run. Keith felt the woman tighten her loose hold on his hands and rose a brow at her comment.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's gather the others." Allura helped Keith onto his feet, "I think we should discuss this with everyone."

Keith could only nod, turning his head a little letting a small smile grace his lips. He always found it captivating when Allura had that determined glint in her eye, the one that was currently residing in her hues as she began her master plan.

"What's going on Allura?" Lance questioned as Pidge entered with her brother taking their place at the console. Allura noted everyone's attendance including the Marmoran's and began her speech.

"Keith has told me everything and it seems that he is, in fact, part of the Galra royal family."

"Woah, hold on," Lance exclaimed waving his hands in front of him.

"Galra royal family?" Shiro rose a brow in confusion.

"Since unlocking the blade, I've been getting dreams and visions of my mum," Keith explained to them, turning to Kolivan and Antok. "At first I thought I was mistaken but I had visions when I was in the cryo pod and I'm certain Nara is my mother."

"And who's Nara?" Lance voiced, totally lost.

"Nara is the Galra princess," Thace answered. "She was at Zarkon's side all her life, that was until Zarkon discovered she had saved a humans life and was punished."

"What happened to her?" Keith asked Thace, the man had been in Zarkon's forces at the time and was sure to know.

"All I know was that she was questioned and she was never seen of again."

"Whats the plan Allura?" Kolivan addressed the Altean princess, turning the group back to the original discussion.

"We do exactly as we did before. But Keith will take Zarkon's place when we defeat him."

"What?" The paladins sang in unison

"But what about Lotor?" Keith furrowed his brow, remembering the long haired prince, the feeling of the Galra's hands ghosting his neck.

"It is tradition for the eldest to take the throne if anything were to happen to Zarkon. Bortel died in combat so the duty was put on Nara's shoulders. If the heir was to have a child and something were to happen to the heir, the child is next in line." Allura explained having remembered Nara speak to her about such traditions a few weeks after Bortel had died. "Which means, Keith, you are the heir to the Galra Empire."

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