Definition Of Deceit

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Keith was lost in his thoughts throughout the debrief, barely acknowledging Shiro as he gave Allura a detailed recount of what happened. Too many things were shooting around in his mind, from imagining what happened to his mother, clear that Zarkon had wanted to shake him, to make the paladin unstable. In the forefront of his mind was the thought of disembowelling Prince Lotor the slowest way possible without him dying, all the while causing him extreme discomfort. Keith hadn't realised the debriefing was finished until Lance had nudged him, snapping his head up noting the uneasiness in the blue paladin's eye, raising a brow in return faking confusion to Lance's obvious concern.

"Do you wanna talk?" Lance asked, Keith did but Lance was not the one he needed to speak with. He was still yet to speak with Thace and it seemed that he would have to wait a few more days until Kolivan would allow it.

"Thanks, Lance, but I'm good."

Lance nodded before leaving the red paladin staring after him. If Keith was being honest with himself he needed someone to confess to, not someone who would stay quiet and attempt to understand like Shiro or would be exceptionally blunt like Lance. He needed someone who was both fascinated and honest about his situation. Keith found his eyes landing on the dark-skinned Yellow Paladin, Hunk had been the first to accept him for who he truly was other than Pidge herself, but the girl was still spending almost all her own company with Matt and Keith didn't want to diminish any time she could have with him. Keith bit his lip in temptation watching the yellow paladin converse with Coran, both their eyes sparkling with interest at what was peeking between Hunk's fingers. The red paladin dug his claws into his palm before lifting himself from the sofa and approached the two happy comrades.

"Keith." Hunk grinned before shoving a small slug-like delicacy at him. "Have a taste, it's kinda salty."

Keith dunked under the teen's arm quickly shaking his head, pushing Hunk's arm away.

"No way."

"Aw, no fun." Hunk pouted jokingly at him before slurping up the delicacy himself.

"How can we help you, Keith?" Coran asked noting the tense look on the paladin's face.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Hunk?" Keith asked motioning to the yellow paladin whose face was glazed over in a dream-like state.

"About what?" Hunk licked his fingers hungrily before turning serious at Keith's self-consciousness. "Sure Keith, let's talk."

The duo ended up in the red lions bay, Keith seemed at ease when he was near her, her presence always soothed his never-ending thoughts. Hunk sat by his side watching the red paladin in wonder, Keith was never one to just talk, sure he spoke about his worries but they were usually for the whole group to hear, so being picked to listen to Keith's own personal woes had Hunk feeling a little honoured.

"So what's up, Keith?"

"You remember the Robeast?"

"Well yeah, it almost killed you like ten minutes ago." Hunk rose a brow as Keith's head turned his yellow irises finding Hunk's brown.

"I think it was my mother."

"Woah, your mums a Robeast?" Hunk mouth dropped open, remembering the large beast's enormous arms, it's hand almost crushing the Red Paladin to death. "That's cool! I mean..."

"It's okay Hunk." Keith quirked a smile turning back to his lion, staring into the hollow eyes reminding him of the Robeast.

"So when Lance screamed your name."

"She knew it was me and she stopped."

"Other than the fact your mum is an evil robot now, that is amazing." Hunk was waving his arms around in admiration. "Despite all the programming they must have done she still managed to override it."

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