The Blundered Exchange

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After a rather confronting and brash argument, Keith found himself rushing after the green paladin who was being consoled by the yellow paladin. Pidge had verbally made clear of her desperation, Lance and Lotor had quickly squashed her selfishness. Hunk had stayed silent, not wanting to weigh in his opinion, knowing, either way, it would upset someone whether it was Pidge or Keith. Allura had quietly agreed with the blue paladin and Galra prince, Coran stepping in when the distressed girl turned to vent at the princess. Pidge's last defence was to plead with Shiro and Matt, the black paladin gazing at her in guilt as he shook his head while Matt was still complementing the situation. The green paladin had gazed at her brother in bewilderment and ran out of the room, the betrayal of her friends and how close she was to seeing her father again caused her to break down.

"You should not disregard such a swap." Nara had offered up after the girl disappeared, crossing her arms at them in disappointment. "We can use this to our advantage, don't you think?"

Keith listened to what his mother suggested, the others quickly weighing in their own opinions before the red paladin slipped away. He found Pidge and Hunk by her Lion, the girl dressed in her Paladin armour, her helmet sitting hesitantly in her grasp as the yellow paladin tried to dissuade her.

"Pidge?" Keith called out, apologising as the duo jumped in fright. Pidge swiftly rubbed her eyes, sniffing before turning to the red paladin.

"I just want my dad back." The girl's voice broke a little as she spoke, dropping her helmet as Keith approached her. "I'm sorry."

Keith's eyes widened as Pidge threw her arms around him, the red paladin unsure on how to respond. He gently encircled the girl into his arms and cleared his throat, patting the girl's back awkwardly.

"We'll get him back, we'll do the swap," Keith announced, Pidge blinked up at him in astonishment.

"You will?" She wiped her nose on her sleeve and smiled at the man. "Really?"

Keith nodded and let out a small groan of surprise as Hunk swiftly swept in and wrapped his hands around the two of them and squeezed them tightly.

"Oh, I love it when we all get along." Hunk grinned at the two, Pidge laughing at the distress on Keith's features. After Pidge had calmed down the three headed back to the others, the green paladin apologising for her behaviour, assuring them that she hadn't meant to come across so careless. Matt had wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder, Hunk and Lance quickly following with a hug.

"Are you sure about this, sister?" Lotor spoke from beside the Galra princess who rose a brow and turned to her sibling.

"It is the perfect opportunity, with his fleet far away we can strike."

"We do not have our defences either," Lotor pointed out, recalling his father's demands. "Zarkon isn't weak sister."

"Well, neither are we." Nara stood tall, smiling confidently at her brother who rolled his eyes, huffing out a sound of disapproval before smirking at the woman.


Everything had been going according to plan until Pidge ran forward unable to wait any longer to be in her father's arms, soon revealing that Sam Holt was, in fact, a hologram. Keith's eyes widened from beside Ezor as commander Holt appeared in front of him, the victorious smirk on Zarkon's lips soon squashed as Lotor brought forth Shiro's Bayard and surged forward. Nara and Keith were quick to follow the prince's lead, the Galra princess slamming into Zethrid and Narti who held Pidge's father hostage. Keith parried with Axca as Shiro, Pidge and Matt rushed frantically towards them, managing to make it to the ship just as Keith was pushed out by Ezor. The red paladin's eyes widened in horror as the ship began to ascend back into the atmosphere, Keith quickly rolling away as Lotor was thrown back towards him. The red paladin watched on helplessly as Lotor clashed brutally with Zarkon, the Galra leader slowly overpowering his son. 

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