Fiendish Reasons

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Keith was uncomfortable. He hadn't expected Lotor to request himself Keith's company as they flew to where the Altean's resided. The red paladin knew the Galra prince was staring at him since they had left. He knew Lotor's arms were folded tensely across his chest, fingers tapping against his arm waiting for Keith to take the bait and look at him. He tightened the grip on his lion's controls with resistance as he kept his eyes forward, battling the urge to glance over his shoulder. The silence was insufferable, suffocating almost, pleading with the red paladin to just cave and allow Lotor this victory. Keith took a deep breath to erase the temptation and lightened his shoulders, concerning himself on the path in front of him.

He managed to relax for barely a moment before he instantly tightened up once more. Lotor had noiselessly moved to his side, the tip of his clawed finger grazing his neck as the prince clutched the back of his chair. Keith finally peeked up to the side and widened his eyes as Lotor glowered at him in hatred.

"I detest your inability to show delicacy to situations that deem such courtesy," Lotor spoke lowly and Keith flexed his fingers before he turned his head back in front.

"I don't know what you're referring to." Keith played innocent and checked the map coordinates to distract himself from the dangerous tone the Galra prince threatened him with. Lotor scoffed indignantly and grasped Keith's chin roughly. "What ar-"

"Be quiet," Lotor snarled and jerked Keith's head toward him. "Your ignorance is astounding and tiresome."

"I don't kn-" Keith cut himself off as Lotor's grip squeezed his jaw threateningly. The red paladin gulped and held the prince's gaze.

"What you've done is juvenile and rash." Lotor sneered and quipped his lip up at Keith's strong resolve as he scratched his claw down the paladin's cheek for a trembling reaction. "Do you have any idea the risk you've taken? How exposed these Altean's are now to the universe?"

"You've been hiding them." Keith immediately replied and grabbed Lotor's wrist. "You have no right."

"As much as you are sure that I am keeping them all to myself for selfish, and undoubtedly fiendish reasons. I can assure you; I am not." Lotor let go of Keith's chin and rose a brow when the paladin didn't release his wrist. "My mother is still out there; did you not think what would happen should she hear of the Altean's existence?"

Keith froze at Lotor's suggestion. As much as Keith knew the Galra prince was averting his own intentions with the Altean's, he had not given much thought of Haggar. Sendak had mentioned that the witch was still somewhere out there, biding her time, waiting for her time to strike.

Their tense moment was interrupted when Coran's voice flittered over the radio announcing they were almost there. Keith swiftly let Lotor go and focused back onto where they were flying, pulling his lion to a stop before he rammed into Pidge.

"We're here." Lotor agreed and motioned to the planet in front of them. "We should land to the west, and trek the rest of the way."

As they began their descent and Keith and Lotor were alone once again the red paladin spoke up.

"We'll protect them."

"Then let's hope you do," Lotor replied and returned to leaning against the lion's wall and folded his arms. Keith clenched his jaw and followed his fellow paladins in landing.


They left the lions in anticipation and started their small hike. Lotor took the lead with Allura, and Coran and Nara just behind them. Keith kept his eye on the prince as he absentmindedly listened to Lance prattle on about the possible Altean ladies.

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