Insistent Secrecies

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Yes, this story is alive once more. I apologise for my absence. Please enjoy.


With the dreams of his mother and Sendak in the back of his mind, Keith became more visually aware of the Galra commander's movements. How, if they stood too close, he would subtly move a step away. His eye always seemed to analyse Keith with ridicule only to soften, perhaps at the thought of Nara. Sendak was slowly warming to him as they travelled from planet to planet, still demanding inestimable amounts of respect but allowing him and Hunk, and Matt to converse more in a relaxed and friendly tone. After their successful trip around the assigned quadrants, Keith, Hunk, Sendak along with Matt and the rebels flew back to the Galra fleet. Though Sendak founded an odd sense of respect for Keith, they didn't speak among the mutterings of the red paladin informing him of how far they had left to go. They docked inside the designated Lion's bay and Sendak suggested– more so commanded– that they should debrief with the Empress immediately.

Hunk had barely lifted his helmet from his face when Keith grabbed him by his elbow and dragged him along after the Galra commander. As they strolled down the purple shaded halls, the red paladin noticed Sendak's ears begin to twitch. Keith was uncertain about what the commander was hearing from this distance in the seemingly quiet hallway until they moved further on and heard the enraged yells from far off.

"Who was that?" Hunk blinked after finally being able to yank the helmet off his head with a slight popping noise. Keith recognised both the distinct voices and furrowed his brow, curious to hear what the muffled shouts were arguing about. Sendak picked up his pace, strides quicker and longer, harder to keep up with on much smaller human legs. Keith and Hunk reached the door just as Sendak entered, the rising yells from inside instantly ceasing. The paladin's peeked around the Galra commander's intimidating form to see the Empress and her brother at an unnerving crossroads. Lotor's eyes were wide to see Sendak and the others, hair dishevelled from constantly running his hands through it stressfully. Nara was glaring, claws out and ready to strike– at what– Keith was unsure. When the Empress noticed her son, she promptly sheathed her claws and straightened her dress. She cleared her throat and unfurled her almost permanent scowl and addressed them.

"Excuse us, we were just discussing something of great importance," Nara informed them and gave her brother a sideward glance. Lotor huffed quietly and swiftly switched to his princely persona. He bowed at them and nodded.

"We apologise if our voices rose. It seems we have a great difference of opinion." He said clearly and with detestation for his sister. Nara clenched her jaw and Keith saw her nostrils flare. Her mouth opened to retaliate and Keith, at that moment, understood where he received his short temper from. Sendak came to Lotor's rescue and pressed his hand to Nara's shoulder. Their shared look was not shown to Keith, which increased the red paladin's curiosity that much more. Keith's brow creased in sudden confusion when he heard his mother's mumbling voice clear as day in his ears.

"How much of that did you hear?" Nara quietly asked Sendak. Keith automatically put his hand over Hunk's mouth when he heard the man move next to him and went to whisper in his ear.

"Enough." Sendak's much lower toned murmur sounded restrained and confused. "What is Lotor doing with Alteans?"

Keith's breath hitched a bit too soundly and Sendak glanced at him over his shoulder. The red paladin speedily removed his hand from Hunk's mouth and turned his face towards him unaware of how close the yellow paladin actually was to his cheek. He jolted slightly at their close proximity and reeled back to whack his back on the door frame.

"Keith!" Hunk came to his aid, holding his arm and gazing at him in worry. "Are you alright?"

Keith gazed between the three Galra's, trying to decipher what was going on. He missed the few spoken words between Sendak and Nara and soon found himself and Hunk being jostled out the room by Sendak's steadfast force. The yellow paladin's protests fell on deaf ears alongside his assailing knocks to the now locked door. Keith snapped out of his daze and clutched Hunk's arm before he bruised his knuckles. The yellow paladin ceased his movement and turned his lost gaze down to his friend.

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