25 (NEW)

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Sharon's life immediately changed the moment she stepped into the office. Matt had been informed of her decision the minute after she spoke to Cameron about it. He was so pleased about her capitulation that he gave her her walking orders that very night She had been overwhelmed about the call but one smile from Cameron and calmness returned.

Remembering the moment fondly, she hurried down across the office to reach her mentor. The person looking after her training and education in all things sports. Or football, in this case. That made sense seeing as her first client was a football player. Feeling like her head was about to explode, she braced herself for more information overload.

That was the way her days progressed since. To get her up to speed, every day was a constant loop of reading, historical data analysis and a test. Over and over and over again. Every single day. Every. Single. Day.

And by the end of the day, her brain was so fried that she could barely walk. It was a struggle to put one foot in front of the other. She was eternally grateful that Cameron still picked her up from work. If she had to go back via the subway, there was no way she could stay sane.

But today, her sanity, barely kept in check as it was, was reaching its breaking point. She had been drilled with so much information that the sky looked like the ground and her own sense of identity almost flowed out with all the information in her brain. Getting to the car, she nearly forgot how to open the door, staring at the handle for a few seconds.

"Are you alright?"Cameron asked, his voice rife with concern and worry. Smiling faintly at him, she nodded. How could she tell him she was barely keeping it together? Near bursting at the seams, it felt like everything from today would gush forth with one wrong move. Closing her eyes, she settled down for the car ride back when Cameron cleared his throat. "Ah, you know, about the appointment-"

"Oh yeah,"she said, recalling his physical therapist appointment was this afternoon. She hadn't been able to get away then but he had promised her he would go. And although Matt had been sceptical, she had trusted him. Thankfully, he hadn't proven her wrong. "How did it go?"

"It was good,"he said brightly, weaving in and out of traffic. "The firm you chose was very good. They have a therapist that was great at her job."

"That's great." She was glad. He had been dragging his feet since before she came into the picture. Since he was so enthused about it after one session, he wouldn't be so difficult anymore- "What do you mean her? I chose a guy for you."

"Oh, right." Sweat was dripping down her back. She had a bad feeling about this. "I guess Matt didn't tell you. That guy had something on today, I guess he was double-booked or something, and wasn't able for the session. So I was assigned one of the junior staff as a replacement for today. But, I have to tell you, she was good. I haven't felt this good since I was in my teens. And she was easy to talk to, too. I can talk to her about anything."

"That's great,"she responded softly. It was taking all of her will not to demand- ask- more questions about that woman. He sounded so happy that she didn't have the heart to say anything against her.

"So, ah, this brings me to the next issue. Dinner."

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to dinner right now,"she said, jumping onto the topic. Anything to stop whatever he was going to say next. She knew it was not something she wanted to hear. "It's some pork chops, right? I can't wait for some home-cooked food. You didn't switch off the power again, did you-"

"Sharon, I'm going out for a date tonight. With her. Right after dropping you off, I mean." She immediately faced the window. Tears were fast filling her eyes and she didn't want him to see. She had to keep some dignity for herself. An awkward silence filled the car. "I know what you're going to say. She's my therapist and I shouldn't mix work and pleasure. But she's only filling in for today. Just today. The usual guy is going to be back the next time. So, um-"

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